So Busy, or, The Oblique Unordered List
Insomniatic 1am rollerblading along the Thames
Houseboat envy
Music recommendation algorithms
Brackish river faux ocean scent
Chelsea girls on King's Road LOVE HATE
(she threw it all away)
(how the fuck)
My Headphones Are Bigger Than Your Headphones
Secret canal behind my house
T-Shirt needed: Reclusive Workaholics Are Hot
i remember sharing this space (but i'm new here)
Square Bullets

-If I eat cereal every night at 3AM, there is pretty much no way I'm ever going to be able to sleep at 3AM, is there?
-Today I saw Clinton in a black SUV, smoking a cigar and laughing. There were SS everywhere.
-Girls. Man, <i>girls</i>.
-If you don't go to the doctor for a whole year, returning to a country with free, universal healthcare is better than any possible Christmas present ever. Think about vegans when then go to their first vegan restaurant: they don't even know where to begin and their joy overflows.
-Rain, rain, go away, come back never.
-D. Coupland once explained a certain type of day thusly: "'Thousand Dollar Day.' That's what I call the kind of day where, even if you tell all the people you know, 'I'll give you a crisp, new thousand-dollar bill if you just give me a phone call and put me out of my misery,' even still, nobody phones." I want to take that day one step farther. Yeah, someone might might call, but I probably wouldn't answer it anyway, even if I did pay.
-Hot running water is the greatest invention of the Roman empire.