everybody's talking while you save this crowd
they water down the drinks and the band plays too loud
I don't want nothing from you
all I need is just some company
- "Independent Thief"
so I called you up from god knows where
would you lie in bed if I were there
speak soft, just talk, I will listen
don't you dare leave till the morning
(like you always do)
- "Old Time Sake"
Kathleen Edwards was altogether too much. Did my head in. Let's not talk about my heart.

everybody's talking while you save this crowd
they water down the drinks and the band plays too loud
I don't want nothing from you
all I need is just some company
- "Independent Thief"
so I called you up from god knows where
would you lie in bed if I were there
speak soft, just talk, I will listen
don't you dare leave till the morning
(like you always do)
- "Old Time Sake"
Kathleen Edwards was altogether too much. Did my head in. Let's not talk about my heart.
And yes, I'm young, and I'm an idealist. I don't pretend not to be.