omg! look look look!!!
this is me and my western blot.
and this is a close up of the blot!
first lane = molecular weight ladder
2nd lane = positive control (known to react with the antibody i'm probing my cell protiens with, it's shorter and therefore runs faster than my protien)
3rd land = clone #1 and LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of connexin 40!!! and look at that sexy triplet banding pattern -that's a UNIQUE FINDING!!! dude... and i will be exploring the phosphorylation of this protien soooo... it may go from a "huh, that's funny" to dude, let me tell you *why*
4-8th lanes = other clones, #7 has a weeeee bit of expression, you can't see in this pic though, doesn't matter, i'm looking for strong expressors. it doesn't qualify.
eeeeee! so a very very good day.
monday, i'll be doing some electrophsiology on that baby!!! woohoo!
now, i gotta clean up and get out of here and CELEBRATE!
omg! look look look!!!

this is me and my western blot.

and this is a close up of the blot!
first lane = molecular weight ladder
2nd lane = positive control (known to react with the antibody i'm probing my cell protiens with, it's shorter and therefore runs faster than my protien)
3rd land = clone #1 and LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of connexin 40!!! and look at that sexy triplet banding pattern -that's a UNIQUE FINDING!!! dude... and i will be exploring the phosphorylation of this protien soooo... it may go from a "huh, that's funny" to dude, let me tell you *why*
4-8th lanes = other clones, #7 has a weeeee bit of expression, you can't see in this pic though, doesn't matter, i'm looking for strong expressors. it doesn't qualify.
eeeeee! so a very very good day.
monday, i'll be doing some electrophsiology on that baby!!! woohoo!
now, i gotta clean up and get out of here and CELEBRATE!