have you guys seen this? http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8260059923762628848
it's a documentary done to illustrate the inconsistancies in what happened on 9/11. with the hypothesis that it was actually orchastrated by the US government.
it's really got me freaked out. do you think it's true? or am i horribly gullible? have you seen it or heard of it?
it's a documentary done to illustrate the inconsistancies in what happened on 9/11. with the hypothesis that it was actually orchastrated by the US government.
it's really got me freaked out. do you think it's true? or am i horribly gullible? have you seen it or heard of it?

I try to tell everyone i can, but alot of people dont want to bother talking about it, the threads on this topic are as pathetic as the media coverage, people can mention it, but it doesnt seem to spur the debate it should, Considerring some of the other meaningless crap people talk about on here, i figured atleast people would discuss it.

i wouldnt put it bast dubyah