Yesterday was my first day back to the FD and it was a very busy day between 800 am to 2 am we had 10 calls. Although there were 3 fires in the city that day, but we didn't catch any of them. All in all it was a good day, catching up with the boys and what not. The only bad news was the one of the guy wife developed cancer in her big toe and had to have it amputated and the limp nodes in her groin removed about a week or so ago. Last night she had to back the hospital with a fever because the spot that the toe was is now infected and were the limps were is now swollen to the size of a tennis ball. We're all hoping for the best.
I knew you'd like that.
So what's on the haps? I am back in the real durty souf, yo! The dishes are still greasy, there is still no water pressure, there are ants all over our kitchen, and it's 15:10 and I sure could go for a bag of rum. LMAO~