What the FUCK is up with women? Do they all just want to get married and pump out children? Can you go on a date without a detailed wedding plan and how many kids we're going to have? mad
Are you married yet???
Yeah. In town for a bit. Good to hear from you. Glad you're enjoying the married life. smile
Yesterday was my first day back to the FD and it was a very busy day between 800 am to 2 am we had 10 calls. Although there were 3 fires in the city that day, but we didn't catch any of them. frown All in all it was a good day, catching up with the boys and what not. The only bad news was the...
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Where is your Department building at?
"The clue is: People who annoy you"

I knew you'd like that.

So what's on the haps? I am back in the real durty souf, yo! The dishes are still greasy, there is still no water pressure, there are ants all over our kitchen, and it's 15:10 and I sure could go for a bag of rum. LMAO~
Riddle me this Batman: Why is woman so evil? My ex-wife is taking my kids out of the state over the weekend to go skiing with her family, that's great for the kids and I truly hope they have a great time, on the other hand she knows that the weekends are the only time I can see them for the next month to a...
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Thank you for your well wishes. smile Let's see your last blog was on Feb. 13th and it didn't sound like things were all hearts and happiness..... have things improved since then?
Wwweeelll there are a lot of things people would never have " thunk it" of me. wink

Yeah the hunting show was fun and interesting. It was actually about hunting with a bow and arrow. This Indian American fellow was the "star" which was cool because he also taught the ways of his and others tribes as to beliefs of killing animals only for food purposes and after each kill there would be a short prayer for the animal. Deer and Turkey mostly.... but there were fishing shows in there and "how to" shows on hunting with a bow and arrow. I could tell you how to hunt with a bow and arrow and where the correct kill zone is on the deer so as not to make it suffer. smile

Then we did a DVD movie on "field dressing" the kill. Now that was a bit puke as I worked a lot on post production. Then how to fillet it and blah, blah, blah.... so that's the short version.

My niece did great.... she had a bit of a melt down for a moment at mile 19 but she got hugs and went straight back out and finished all 26. (something) miles. She got her medal and we had put together some stuff to surprise her back at the house. I'm so proud of her and she is so proud of her medal. smile
Well I finally made it back in the States. Got back on the 8th , Friday afternoon I surprised my kids and picked them up form school. My daughter jumped into my arms and hung on for about 5 mins. When my son came into the office I thought his jaw was going to hit the floor then opened his arms wide and gave me...
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welcome back!
It sounds like your kids are thrilled to have you back. Have a great week!
5 days and a wake up and i'm my way home. biggrin
So I totally freaked out on my girlfriend yesterday, over ice cream of all things. I feel like a total shit head, one the ice cream was not her fault it was mine, because of the fact that I can't communicate with anyone down here. Two she has told me twice in two weeks that she wants me to bring her back to the state...
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What flavor was it? smile It might be nothing more then some deep seeded anger you have against ice cream. biggrin wink Other then the ice cream incident I hope all is well.
So how is the "ice cream incident" going?
So their I was 40,000 feet with nothing but a silk worm and a pair of knitting needles. Well the my end date has arrived and in less then 30 days I'll be heading back to the land decadence, toilet seats and music that doesn't involve a perforated metal cylinder rubbed by a stick. biggrin
Beat you to it... I'm waaaaay ahead of ya, bro... Wait a minute - who am I talkin' to - better retract that...
yeah it was good and normal back in the 90s but most of the time ive been up here it is strange
Well as expected the New Year celebrations went down just like I thought it would in a bar surrounded by a bunch of total drunken strangers. puke
You gimme me!

By the way - I'm slightly north of your POS - babysittin'... hoo-fuckin'-ya...

Teams and shit! Mostly the latter, but for the sake of the former. puke

good luck with "the big one, Weezie!" Enjoy your fish-heads and twice-fried grissle, soaked in butter and salt. Cheers, big ears.
I appealed to your inner-blackness again this morning... Yep... I bet you could smell the bologna frying all the way from Panam... And considering you're prolly balls deep in fish heads and platicones that are so dry they could be used as checkers, I bet your mouth was just waterin'... Mmmmm...
Well so much for the weekly blogs I promised myself I'd write, but what do I do when I read other peoples blogs; so clever, so articulate. I can only dream of expressing myself with such clarity, charm and wit. How lame is it to say I'm so fucking pissed off right now at that fuck, I could just rip off his fucking head!!! "I...
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well... hi. So you are a fireman??
so what does it take to become a fireman.... I think it would be an awsome job
Unfortunately this entry is not a happy one, my daughter broke her elbow Wednesday and had to have 2 pins put in. I have been in another country for the past month and will be for at least another month maybe more, who knows. I totally sucks that I couldnt be there for the worst day of her young life. I think the biggest bummer...
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I was thinking armed robbery.... but I don't look that great in orange. whatever
Update this shit already... There are so many comments in here from me, it's looks like we're queer for each other... Geesh.

How's life in the land of cold showers, hot apartments, dirty dishes, and grocery thieves? ARRR!!!