Well, one benefit to working retail. I've lost 27 pounds in the last 2 months thanks to sweating my ass off (quite literally) in the back room. Downside: I have to get my suits re-tailored. Oh well, at least it's a stepping stone.
We had a regional level guy from the marketing department come to take a look at the store since we were a...
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We had a regional level guy from the marketing department come to take a look at the store since we were a...
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So did this go anywhere?!? 

Been a while, but I'm back. Working retail again, but in this economy, I am thankful that I have a job. As my Grandmother used to tell me, "It's only for a season love, It's only for a season."
So, besides that, I'm healthy and paying back my debts. Even though student loans are about 65% of my monthly take home pay, I'm eeking by....
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So, besides that, I'm healthy and paying back my debts. Even though student loans are about 65% of my monthly take home pay, I'm eeking by....
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Well, I am finally employed once again. It's back selling insurance, but hey, it's a job. Right about now, I need any income I can get my hands on. I mean sure, the sperm bank is nice (how often do they get 6'2" guys with deep sexy voice?), but still, a job is good.
Well, I am finally employed once again. It's back selling insurance, but hey, it's a job. Right about now, I need any income I can get my hands on. I mean sure, the sperm bank is nice (how often do they get 6'2" guys with deep sexy voices and an IQ over 190?), but still, a job is good.
Nice finds.

Just letting you know that the new film is up in the latest journal. Catch it before its pulled down. 

First off, Merry Christmas.
Second, the past few hours have been all kinds of awesome. Been drinking, and I decided to look through all of my music. Saw an artist I haven't listened to in a while, so I added some tunes to my playlist.
Now, I am drinking whiskey and beer, and rocking out to Manowar, viking metal, and my cat is looking at...
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Second, the past few hours have been all kinds of awesome. Been drinking, and I decided to look through all of my music. Saw an artist I haven't listened to in a while, so I added some tunes to my playlist.
Now, I am drinking whiskey and beer, and rocking out to Manowar, viking metal, and my cat is looking at...
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So, I now have meaningful employment. Boo waking up at 1 am to go to work! Hooray income!
Only 2 months between posts. Not bad. =P
Hopefully within the next 2 months, I'll be working for the government. What can I say, it is a non-political job, but I get good pay and federal benefits. So, lets hope it works out! Being employed would be a nice change of pace!
Hopefully within the next 2 months, I'll be working for the government. What can I say, it is a non-political job, but I get good pay and federal benefits. So, lets hope it works out! Being employed would be a nice change of pace!
Only problem is, if I left New England...where would I get my chowder?!?!?
I am seriously a chowder junkie. If a restaurant has chowder, I order it. Doesn't matter if it clashes with the main course, I need my chowder.
I've lived so close to the ocean for so long, I've been spoiled by great chowder, made fresh from clams, shrimp, and fish that were brought in from the morning catch. How will I adapt...can I adapt...
I am seriously a chowder junkie. If a restaurant has chowder, I order it. Doesn't matter if it clashes with the main course, I need my chowder.
I've lived so close to the ocean for so long, I've been spoiled by great chowder, made fresh from clams, shrimp, and fish that were brought in from the morning catch. How will I adapt...can I adapt...
So, much to do right about now. I've decided not to continue with law school. I don't think it's something that I'd be happy doing, and why get deeper in debt to realize the same thing?
So, I have a bunch of resumes floating about. One of my top picks, the CIA, has already asked for more material for the background check. The only thing...
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So, I have a bunch of resumes floating about. One of my top picks, the CIA, has already asked for more material for the background check. The only thing...
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So, George Carlin died this morning. I are the ultra bummed.
I saw him live about a year ago.
No more bombing brown people, no more 7 words you can't say on tv, no more 2 commandments, no more complaints or grievances, no more things that are similar between people.
George, you were an atheist. Rest in peace mate. :cry:
I saw him live about a year ago.
No more bombing brown people, no more 7 words you can't say on tv, no more 2 commandments, no more complaints or grievances, no more things that are similar between people.
George, you were an atheist. Rest in peace mate. :cry:
Friday Morning: I move
Friday Afternoon: Sister's wedding rehearsal thing
Saturday: Sister's wedding
Sunday: Grandmother's Birthday Brunch (89 years old O_O )
Monday: Clean old apartment and study for Bankruptcy law
Free Time: Priceless
There are some things money can buy. For everything else, there's not enough time to do it in.
Friday Afternoon: Sister's wedding rehearsal thing
Saturday: Sister's wedding
Sunday: Grandmother's Birthday Brunch (89 years old O_O )
Monday: Clean old apartment and study for Bankruptcy law
Free Time: Priceless
There are some things money can buy. For everything else, there's not enough time to do it in.
<.it's just that I don't sleep very often and not for more than 2 or 3 hours at a time every 2 or 3 days.>
Sir, that is not healthy.
Sir, that is not healthy.
Yeah, probably not. But, that is the way it works.
No longer a 1L. My first year of law school is done with.
Well, I have been drinking, and two songs strike my certain mood as truth.
"Give me a cup, I'll drink till I throw up.
Alcohol, my only friend."
-Start Trouble - Let's Get Fucked Up
"Now that I'm a grown man, I've traveled here and there, and I've learned that a...
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Well, I have been drinking, and two songs strike my certain mood as truth.
"Give me a cup, I'll drink till I throw up.
Alcohol, my only friend."
-Start Trouble - Let's Get Fucked Up
"Now that I'm a grown man, I've traveled here and there, and I've learned that a...
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