Sunday Jun 18, 2006 Jun 18, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email What a horrible day. VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS bunkdose: omg d00d, I'm quite sure you've heard of this latest blasphemy .. if not, here ya go; hollywood wants to remake Battle Royale. .. .....maybe the producers will fail so badly that they'll have no choice but to work at wendy. for fuck's sake. Jun 20, 2006 bunkdose: I won't lie to you. despite what I said yesterday.. it's still a slap in the mouth of all those of us who truly appreciate cinematic art. wtf. who is this actor you speak of..? Jun 20, 2006
I'm quite sure you've heard of this latest blasphemy .. if not, here ya go; hollywood wants to remake Battle Royale. .. .....maybe the producers will fail so badly that they'll have no choice but to work at wendy.
for fuck's sake.