Fizzee has declared himself to be on an extended vacation. He needs a break from healing ungrateful fruit elves and saving their asses when big, bad Tauren come to warstomp a mudhole in their asses...
...Two cheers for Fizzee who resisted the urge to devote his life to raiding. He never saw the purpose of spending countless weekends raiding with 39 social losers just to get epic gear that will be replaced in a few months...
...He also needs a break from morons who give him shit when he doesn't DI on the first pull and there is a wipe...
...And running UBRS. *shudder* UBRS.....blech...
The gloves come off when the expansion comes out. Fizzee will have a new purpose: Ganking the ever loving shit out of any and all butt (blood) elves he comes across. A Hammer of Wrath will be shoved up every Uma Thurman/Napolean Dynamite wannabe in Azeroth and Outworld. When I get done with them they will be throwing fits that make that crazy German kid look as calm as Ghandi.
PS: Why was Ghandi's picture on Prof. X's tombstone?
...Two cheers for Fizzee who resisted the urge to devote his life to raiding. He never saw the purpose of spending countless weekends raiding with 39 social losers just to get epic gear that will be replaced in a few months...
...He also needs a break from morons who give him shit when he doesn't DI on the first pull and there is a wipe...
...And running UBRS. *shudder* UBRS.....blech...
The gloves come off when the expansion comes out. Fizzee will have a new purpose: Ganking the ever loving shit out of any and all butt (blood) elves he comes across. A Hammer of Wrath will be shoved up every Uma Thurman/Napolean Dynamite wannabe in Azeroth and Outworld. When I get done with them they will be throwing fits that make that crazy German kid look as calm as Ghandi.

PS: Why was Ghandi's picture on Prof. X's tombstone?

(hilarious and noteworthy post btw)