I need new clothes.
Just saw "King Kong". Man does that movie blow.
F'n Peter Jackson is the most overrated director in history.
One hour too long, with pointless "action" scenes, worthless characters, and some crappy CGI. Yeah ok Jackass, give me an hour and a half of a bunch of no-names crawling through a jungle fighting giant bugs and horribly rendered raptors and then a rush job 20 minute New York sequence? Fuck you. Oh and whatever happened to brave little Jimmy that you spent so much time on and then we never see him again once they capture Kong. I dunno, you fuckin twat. Arrgghgh.
.....If only they could've found the ghost army before they got to the island they could have told them to run around and slaughter all the natives and Kong.
I am desperately searching for Takeshi Kitano's new film for a reasonable price.
I found another way to work one of his films into school work. I am reviewing general communication concepts from his film "Brother" for an english class. It's about a yakuza that goes to America after being exiled. I figure the language and culture differences will give me plenty to write about. Anytime I get to write about a bloody yakuza saga and knowingly make my professor watch it is a can't-miss prospect. She watches all the films her students write about, mwuahahaha. It will likely be the first time she's ever seen a man cut off his own finger on film. I still remember the first time I watched it and was blown away by it. And I remember thinking "What the fuck is Ashley Banks (Fresh Prince) doing in this movie?"
"This is the part where we start to feel better"
Just saw "King Kong". Man does that movie blow.
F'n Peter Jackson is the most overrated director in history.
One hour too long, with pointless "action" scenes, worthless characters, and some crappy CGI. Yeah ok Jackass, give me an hour and a half of a bunch of no-names crawling through a jungle fighting giant bugs and horribly rendered raptors and then a rush job 20 minute New York sequence? Fuck you. Oh and whatever happened to brave little Jimmy that you spent so much time on and then we never see him again once they capture Kong. I dunno, you fuckin twat. Arrgghgh.
.....If only they could've found the ghost army before they got to the island they could have told them to run around and slaughter all the natives and Kong.
I am desperately searching for Takeshi Kitano's new film for a reasonable price.
I found another way to work one of his films into school work. I am reviewing general communication concepts from his film "Brother" for an english class. It's about a yakuza that goes to America after being exiled. I figure the language and culture differences will give me plenty to write about. Anytime I get to write about a bloody yakuza saga and knowingly make my professor watch it is a can't-miss prospect. She watches all the films her students write about, mwuahahaha. It will likely be the first time she's ever seen a man cut off his own finger on film. I still remember the first time I watched it and was blown away by it. And I remember thinking "What the fuck is Ashley Banks (Fresh Prince) doing in this movie?"
"This is the part where we start to feel better"

wait for the extended version.. the ghost army scenes will be added in. for 20 dollars more.
what a pud.
and this just in: Breaking News
I thought we were suppose to amass the forces a week ago..? what the hell is the hold up..? We are suppose to be celebrating yer g' damn 23rd birthday..not yer g'damned 24th.. I'm thirsty! ..and... .. i miss you guys.. le sad face.
[Edited on Apr 03, 2006 1:28PM]