I won't lie to you. despite what I said yesterday.. it's still a slap in the mouth of all those of us who truly appreciate cinematic art. wtf. who is this actor you speak of..?
Hmmmm. It does seem a bit too loud and glossy to me. Parents don't always encourage their kid's decisions. If I would've been encouraged in what I wanted to do I would've been taking piano lessons, guitar lessons, and vocals lessons and screwing all this college stuff because as wonderful as a degree will be for a job, I want to music and I've wanted to do it for as long as I can remember, but my mom being a previous church organ player thinks piano is a waste of time and there is no money in it and her parents forced her to learn it. My grandpa bought me my first guitar and he's gone, so I don't get any encouragement from anyone for music, that's why i turn to my friends......bunkdose always tells me that music is in my blod and i should follow through with it, Brian is doing a ton to encourage me, etc. So, my experience is looking to parents for encouragement for your goals and dreams just doesn't work a lot of the time, that's why you shoudl use your friends as encouragement.
Just had a convo with my parents and somehow, some way they always manage to take any enthusiam I have about anything and then mash it into tiny little bits and leave me feeling like shit. I know they don't mean to....but FUCK. It happens every single time. First it was about what I want to major... Read More
You're an adult dude. Your parents have no control over you getting an apartment. They may be nice, but they can't tell you what you do and don't need before you get an apartment. Save up some money and get one. My mom didn't want me to leave home when I did, but the point is I stuck to my guns and didn't let any attempts to thwart me from leaving to get in my way. You want an apartment, so all I can say, is get one. You're an adult and capable of doing thingd on your own and you don't need to report or listen to what your parents say. They can advise, but just like I'm moving out right now, I'm doing it and that's final, whether my current roommate lieks it or not, that's how you have to be or you won't ever get to move out. Do it, take what they say as opions and advice only, not law.
Question of the Day: Should I attend my five year high school reunion?
I don't really want to talk to anyone from my class, except for a few hot chicks. And I hate talking about myself and what I've accomplished since I graduated (nothing), which I'm sure I will... Read More
Forget it dude. I don't go to mine at all. Wait at least 10 years. 5 years doesn't give peope any time to do anything or mak something of themsleves. If I wanted to see or hear from my high school classmates I would've stayed in contact with them. Besides in ten years it'll be fun going just to see who ended up in jail since.
Fizzee has declared himself to be on an extended vacation. He needs a break from healing ungrateful fruit elves and saving their asses when big, bad Tauren come to warstomp a mudhole in their asses...
...Two cheers for Fizzee who resisted the urge to devote his life to raiding. He never saw the purpose of spending countless weekends raiding with 39 social losers just to... Read More