so venetian snares played a show in detroit on saturday. it was so amazing. i saw him go into the bathroom and i told ashley to go in there and take a picture of him pee'ing. she didn't, so when he came out i asked for a group pic.
after that i told him we were gonna take pics of him urinating and he was like 'you guys wanna come back here and drink some beers?'
Planet-Mu artist OOO was back there chillin too. he's chill. thats him in that picture.
so yea. snares layed it the fuck down, harder than anything i've ever herd!!!
little mack and i were blown away!!!
after the show snares came back to the house with us and chilled untill like 10am. hehehehe eric got drunk as hell and passed out. snares was riding him and calling him pattington bear!!!!! hahahahahahaha then we made mr. funk prank call the macnish residence!
i dont know what else to say.
damn it was fun.

after that i told him we were gonna take pics of him urinating and he was like 'you guys wanna come back here and drink some beers?'

Planet-Mu artist OOO was back there chillin too. he's chill. thats him in that picture.
so yea. snares layed it the fuck down, harder than anything i've ever herd!!!

little mack and i were blown away!!!

after the show snares came back to the house with us and chilled untill like 10am. hehehehe eric got drunk as hell and passed out. snares was riding him and calling him pattington bear!!!!! hahahahahahaha then we made mr. funk prank call the macnish residence!

i dont know what else to say.
damn it was fun.