1. First of all, I applied for a new profile pic, what do you think of it?

I think it just looks more like me :]
2. A short report from my trip in Paris:
* Apero "Jeunes du CPE in Montmartre with some lovelies french Sg members
* Sushi dinner with Shahbeen and Ayane
* A night at the sexodrome being naughty with Raia and Ayane
There was a lot of others fucking drunk nights, but unfortunately no pics
Everything there
And of course a special thanks to Ayane, Raia, Valium, Shahbeen, ENte, Amartya, Pizza hut, and all the ones I forgot
3. Actually, nothing much interesting to tell, Work, exams in 2 weeks, and of course fucking insomnias I'll see a lot of docs today, and I'll probably have to take some meds :/
That's why you cannot see my eyes
4. Because Goop, P_mod and Amartya tagged me:
I tag anyone who want to do that goofy game.
Now take a look at
Vanille 's set fuckards!
I think taht's all for today!