Some pics I took
My japanese's exams start on Tuesday, I'm working like an asshat for a week now but I don't think it will be enough

The sweet Jade comes tomorrow, I can't wait to see her and her friends. Doing the guide while drinking hotwine can be fun (and I don't think I will let her go back Mwahahahahaaa)

Next week I'll start looking for a flat, I'm waiting so much for my tranquility.
My holidays seems to have a good start next weekend with a cheesy orgy in Paris

Have a nice day

me disais aussi... a te ressemblait pas de dire a...
J'espere bien que c'est bon le foie gras, au moins que tout a ne soit pas vain... Je sais pas si je t'ai dit que j'aimais bien cette photo, elle me fait gravement penser aux vieilles photos des annes 60 que j'adore, ca doit etre le pantalon.. et la coupe.