as much as I like Johny Depp, he's got nothing on this guy.
Commander and the Gurgles rock Richmond VA on Friday @ Nancy Ray Gun
Bought cigarettes yesterday. Its been almost two years, WTF? I will never learn, well maybe when I die.
Training for my main Brolympics event, Icehouse Alley Cat. (Bike to 6 randomly selected liquor stores in a ten mile radius, purchase two tallboys of Icehouse at each one, return to the start point and drink as many as you can in five minutes.) Thirty miles and eighty four ounces today. I've already got the vegan cook-off locked up with the infamous nutritional yeast tofu steaks, (tastes like chicken!) and the scrabble tourney will be no contest, since I used to read the dictionary when I was little.
too bad the stuff is such a taboo and so addictive, i think it would change the world if used properly.