The people that SG attracts blows my mind...
Its like the attitude is "Im so lonely I need someone to pay attention to me. Look someone new, Ill ignore them because I need my attention and cant hand it out".
Self loathing assholes getting to me and causing my attitude to suffer.
I am, like most people looking for good relationships.
I have a wonderful one with the woman I love and I know it will last because we are both willing to work at our relationship.
I have very few "relationships" with friends outside the internet because as it turns out the vast majority of people are selfish and self loathing assholes who cant even keep the simplest of "friendships" going...
Im introspecting to figure out why my "relationships" fail.
Maybe if your lonely or depressed, take a long hard look at yourself because the harsh truth that no one will tell you is YOU PROBABLY SUCK and need to improve yourself.
I am overall a boring person and dont do much. So in recent months ive been improving my body and mind.
Turns out I was a bit of a boring fatty who was self obsessed.
Instead of taking the harshness negatively I lit a fire under my own ass.
Hopefully even one person will read this and it will do the same but im not going to hold my breath.
Get busy living or get busy dying.
Its like the attitude is "Im so lonely I need someone to pay attention to me. Look someone new, Ill ignore them because I need my attention and cant hand it out".
Self loathing assholes getting to me and causing my attitude to suffer.
I am, like most people looking for good relationships.
I have a wonderful one with the woman I love and I know it will last because we are both willing to work at our relationship.
I have very few "relationships" with friends outside the internet because as it turns out the vast majority of people are selfish and self loathing assholes who cant even keep the simplest of "friendships" going...
Im introspecting to figure out why my "relationships" fail.
Maybe if your lonely or depressed, take a long hard look at yourself because the harsh truth that no one will tell you is YOU PROBABLY SUCK and need to improve yourself.
I am overall a boring person and dont do much. So in recent months ive been improving my body and mind.
Turns out I was a bit of a boring fatty who was self obsessed.
Instead of taking the harshness negatively I lit a fire under my own ass.
Hopefully even one person will read this and it will do the same but im not going to hold my breath.
Get busy living or get busy dying.

Theres a lot in this I agree with.