Well I guess I am back early. Hadn't planned to be back til summer but since someone...I really have no idea who, reactivated my account, I guess I might as well come back now. Hopefully I still have a few people here that remember me. I'll do a real update later. Hope everyone is doing well.
I was going to add some new pics but I can't get them to upload to my PC.
I was going to add some new pics but I can't get them to upload to my PC.

I actually found a lot of my textbooks for super cheap (as in $1). It's tiring to do, but I just make charts comparing UMN new book prices, used prices, amazon new prices (because you get free shipping over $25) and amazon used prices. I also tried looking at B&N's website but I've never found enough of a price difference compared to amazon for it to be worth it, even with my membership discount.
It's actually a cover of a song by Bread. I haven't heard the original.