The weather lately sucks. Subzero temps. Wind chills of 30 below.
Been stuck indoors all the time except for to and from school. My life lately consists mostly of bad coffee, greasy cafeteria food & watching a lot of bad tv.
I can't wait for spring. I need to get out of the house and do something. Maybe see some shows. Hopefully meet some new people. The people around here suck. Thugs & losers.
My neighborhood sure is pretty this time of year though. The ice on the trees sparkle like diamonds. I took some pictures but I don't have any way to get them on my computer.
I really need to get a digital camera.
Been stuck indoors all the time except for to and from school. My life lately consists mostly of bad coffee, greasy cafeteria food & watching a lot of bad tv.
I can't wait for spring. I need to get out of the house and do something. Maybe see some shows. Hopefully meet some new people. The people around here suck. Thugs & losers.
My neighborhood sure is pretty this time of year though. The ice on the trees sparkle like diamonds. I took some pictures but I don't have any way to get them on my computer.
I really need to get a digital camera.

Yup, that's the one. June Cleaver speaking jive.