Howdy Folks. I like telling this joke: So two atoms walk into a bar. One atom says to the other atom "I think I lost an electron." The other atom says "are you sure?" The first replies.... "I'm POSITIVE!"
I always new that there was a second joke that goes with this one, but I forgot what it was and no one I knew knew or remembered.
Recently while looking through things I found a crummy joke book and while thumbing through it found the lost second joke.
So a neutron walks into a bar and orders a beer. Bartender serves him his beer. Neutron ask the bartender how much the beer costs. Bartender says "For you? NO CHARGE!"
Get it? Get it?
I'll be here all week folks.
Hope your lives are going well.
Have a nice day,
Furthermore.... I watched a bunch of episodes of that 30 rock program.... Surprisingly awesome...
I always new that there was a second joke that goes with this one, but I forgot what it was and no one I knew knew or remembered.
Recently while looking through things I found a crummy joke book and while thumbing through it found the lost second joke.
So a neutron walks into a bar and orders a beer. Bartender serves him his beer. Neutron ask the bartender how much the beer costs. Bartender says "For you? NO CHARGE!"
Get it? Get it?
I'll be here all week folks.
Hope your lives are going well.
Have a nice day,
Furthermore.... I watched a bunch of episodes of that 30 rock program.... Surprisingly awesome...
ok being that i'm polish i got a good polish joke for you
How does a polack take a shower?
Pisses into a fan.
So a guy walks up to a Polish bar. The sign on the front says "Open 24 hours" so he pulls on the door and its locked. He also sees a sign that says "Owner Lives Above" . So he rings the bell for the owners place he screams up to him. "HEY I THOUGHT THE BAR WAS OPEN 24 HOURS" and the owner replies "YEAH BUT NOT ALL AT ONE TIME"