I can't believe I'm awake at this ungodly hour. It's past 2 in the morning, but I'm here after having a nine hour nap. Maybe my boy is right about me taking super long naps. However, I am feeling super rested, so I can't go back to sleep.... instead I'm up supposedly doing a paper for school...
translation: I keep putting off this paper, and here I am on SG.
Saturday was fun, went to a nursing friend's bday/thank God we're done our midterms/yay we're halfway through community nursing party. Lots of new people there, lots of drinking, and my first girly kiss
Now, I'm straight, and I love my nursing friends, but it was a little much. Especially in front of asreal ... oops. Hahaha. I still love her anyway. I'll post up some pics when I get them. Oh... and I remember something about my nursing friend and my boy grabbing at my hands and shirt for some reason... haha.
It's actually quite funny. Our nursing project entails looking at substance use and how it affects safer sex practices in post secondary populations. So all semester we've been talking about sexuality, sex practices, relationships, you name it. You know, I'd totally love to be a sexual health nurse some day... and be like Dr. Sue
Let's see what else... hmm... I helped asreal move to his new shaggin' pad. I never thought fish tanks could be so damn heavy. I'm really happy for him, and I'm super happy that he's a lot closer to me now. Woo hoo! Free massages to those who helped out with the move!! Ooo, lotus, wouldn't you like to get all oiled up?
Alright. That should do 'er for tonight. Now for some coffee and I'll seriously get cracking on my paper.
And that's allshewrote.
I can't believe I'm awake at this ungodly hour. It's past 2 in the morning, but I'm here after having a nine hour nap. Maybe my boy is right about me taking super long naps. However, I am feeling super rested, so I can't go back to sleep.... instead I'm up supposedly doing a paper for school...
translation: I keep putting off this paper, and here I am on SG.
Saturday was fun, went to a nursing friend's bday/thank God we're done our midterms/yay we're halfway through community nursing party. Lots of new people there, lots of drinking, and my first girly kiss

It's actually quite funny. Our nursing project entails looking at substance use and how it affects safer sex practices in post secondary populations. So all semester we've been talking about sexuality, sex practices, relationships, you name it. You know, I'd totally love to be a sexual health nurse some day... and be like Dr. Sue

Let's see what else... hmm... I helped asreal move to his new shaggin' pad. I never thought fish tanks could be so damn heavy. I'm really happy for him, and I'm super happy that he's a lot closer to me now. Woo hoo! Free massages to those who helped out with the move!! Ooo, lotus, wouldn't you like to get all oiled up?

Alright. That should do 'er for tonight. Now for some coffee and I'll seriously get cracking on my paper.
And that's allshewrote.
Yeah, there's nothing I enjoy so much on this site as finding random people in the hook-up section to talk with. Makes me feel a bit creepy though, like I'm hunting.
Fisticuffs is a great word, that's what caught my attention. It always makes me think of irishmen boxing or something, like that bad movie with tom cruise.