The office where I work has a pretty well stocked kitchen for us to munch and drink throughout the day and in that kitchen is the most ADORABLE oven. Its rather small (but we dont need a big one) and its really really old - but is in perfect working condition. I am always the first one at work so the other week I snagged some pictures of it in the morning.
Aint it cute?
Oh a medical side-note... As seems to be a regular occurrence I stumbled upon something interesting. Remember John Ritter? He died of a aortic dissection. I dont know why that didn't ring a bell with me before but fuck me - I have a dilated aorta! lol. So i loooked it up and found out that if it were to tear (which is what will happen as it continues to dilate) that could be pretty bad and that a high percentage of folks croak before they can even make it into the hospital. wowza. Good thing my divorce is fixing to come through! I finally heard from the ol ex and hes sending the papers this weekend. its about time. Then its time to work on my living will so my life insurance and 401K and such will go to the proper place!
BTW. I got my medical ID bracelet now - I gotta get a pic of this thing. I feel awesome wearing it actually. It gives me a sense of freedom... haha... if that makes any sense. Before I was worried if something happened I would need to remember all sorts of information and hopefully be able to reiterate it to whomever and now that all is my docs responsibility. haha. his phone number is on my wrist! I have a mad doctor crush on my cardiologist - must be because he is young and takes good care of me. haha.

Aint it cute?
Oh a medical side-note... As seems to be a regular occurrence I stumbled upon something interesting. Remember John Ritter? He died of a aortic dissection. I dont know why that didn't ring a bell with me before but fuck me - I have a dilated aorta! lol. So i loooked it up and found out that if it were to tear (which is what will happen as it continues to dilate) that could be pretty bad and that a high percentage of folks croak before they can even make it into the hospital. wowza. Good thing my divorce is fixing to come through! I finally heard from the ol ex and hes sending the papers this weekend. its about time. Then its time to work on my living will so my life insurance and 401K and such will go to the proper place!
BTW. I got my medical ID bracelet now - I gotta get a pic of this thing. I feel awesome wearing it actually. It gives me a sense of freedom... haha... if that makes any sense. Before I was worried if something happened I would need to remember all sorts of information and hopefully be able to reiterate it to whomever and now that all is my docs responsibility. haha. his phone number is on my wrist! I have a mad doctor crush on my cardiologist - must be because he is young and takes good care of me. haha.
I hear that cute doctors can be fun.

I hope your heart gets better. Your too beautiful to die!