My daughter has an infected tooth as i found out earlier that day and she is taking antibiotics and will need to have it pulled (she is only 5) and im very sad about the whole situation. I am trying to figure out how i will pay for what needs to be done since she is not insured. I then came home from that ordeal and found a letter in my mail referencing my child support case and discovered that the state of California needs proof that my oldest daughter is her dad's child because she was "conceived before we were married". bastards. He has never denied either of his daughters and this mess has lasted longer that i have tolerance for. I was told it would take 2 or so months after my initial child support interview to get everything to go through. It was now been 5 months and going on 6. More crap on top of crap. ugh. If he lived here in Texas where i am it would have been under a month for it to go through. Ofcourse if he hadnt moved to California it probably would be easier to get money from him in general and i wouldnt need child support.
PLUS my laptop is pissing me off. The wireless card went out which really sucks. I only use wireless because i like to work on the computer wherever i want to sit... I have a Compaq and apparently they have issues with their AMD boards all of a sudden not recognizing the wireless card. argh. I wanted a AMD board because they have always been better to me and this one has a dual processor and i adore my computer but AHHHHH! So anyway its getting mailed off today to be repaired, as i received the shipping box yesterday. Hopefully it doesnt take long because right now im having to work on the boy's laptop and although it works (which is better than mine at this point) mine has a way wider screen and im adjusted to working in that format. plus my usb ports are way faster and all my data is on my external. Im worried they will reformat and force me to reinstall (and redownload the torrents for) all my programs... ehhhhh... photoshop... illustrator... flash... dreamweaver.... acrobat professional... bleh.

Besides that i need a full time job. Freelancing on the side is aggravating me as i am NOT meant to be a at-home mom. argh.
My newly rejected set went up.... im rather fond of this one... please show it love!!!!

The day before i shot this set i ran some test shots in the areas during different times of day to figure out when the sun light was the best for pictures and here is a outtake from that day that i happen to love. I have never really liked my butt... its too small i think it runs into my chicken legs (which by the way you guys are lucky to see since i NEVER wear shorts or such... i will barely wear short skirts on special occasion and usually you can only see my legs at the beach or pool because i hate my legs!).
More and more birds have discovered my bird feeder on my balcony... the drive my kitty insane! I now have 3 different red birds that come by and visit me... I kept seeing red birds and thought the same guy was visiting me several times throughout the day and then in the evening yesterday all three of them where there together. I am very pleased and i simply adore watching the birds. Maybe i should get another bird feeder!
***Oh and just to share... The boy and I had awesome sex last night.... he managed to get off 3 times in a row and i got off twice. Ahhh the loveliness of red wine induced raw passion.
Ok thats enough for now!
You guys are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And thanks for the friend request. I love friends!