Its a foggy mess outside... just fucking beautiful. theres something neat about fog that i cant put my finger on.
We bought our christmas tree day before yesterday... decorated it last night. I love the smell of it... takes me back to a time in my life when things were less complicated. Also bought a bottle of wine... greg norman shiraz 2005... from australia... i really liked it. seems like every wine i buy from Australia i really like... as a matter of fact i havent had a bottle from australia that i dont like...
I had sent in a set that again was sadly rejected... Im in the process of photoshopping it and will throw it up on scs sometime later... probably not for a few weeks... photoshopping can be a long tedious process and im not really dedicating all my time to it... im redesigning my personal portfolio site... this one will be a clean css site... run dynamically but ofcourse. as i always love to dive into php.
A few days ago i realized that i never really looked around at the members on here to see what kind of people there were around. Shame on me. All the people on my friends list were people that added me at one point or another.... not necessarily people i seeked out... so i decided to start looking through people around the groups and such and looking for something... anything interesting. I love reading peoples blogs and getting little insights into their life and my little page of friends blogs is really neat but its been a big stagnant as i think of lot of friends i have dont blog quite so much. So if you got an invite from me... lucky you... lol. just kidding. I probably thought you might be cool or interesting for some random reason that is probably impossible to explain. Im a weirdo and thus im attracted to other weirdos.
I hope everyone is getting ready for a fun christmas! drink lots of wine!
We bought our christmas tree day before yesterday... decorated it last night. I love the smell of it... takes me back to a time in my life when things were less complicated. Also bought a bottle of wine... greg norman shiraz 2005... from australia... i really liked it. seems like every wine i buy from Australia i really like... as a matter of fact i havent had a bottle from australia that i dont like...
I had sent in a set that again was sadly rejected... Im in the process of photoshopping it and will throw it up on scs sometime later... probably not for a few weeks... photoshopping can be a long tedious process and im not really dedicating all my time to it... im redesigning my personal portfolio site... this one will be a clean css site... run dynamically but ofcourse. as i always love to dive into php.
A few days ago i realized that i never really looked around at the members on here to see what kind of people there were around. Shame on me. All the people on my friends list were people that added me at one point or another.... not necessarily people i seeked out... so i decided to start looking through people around the groups and such and looking for something... anything interesting. I love reading peoples blogs and getting little insights into their life and my little page of friends blogs is really neat but its been a big stagnant as i think of lot of friends i have dont blog quite so much. So if you got an invite from me... lucky you... lol. just kidding. I probably thought you might be cool or interesting for some random reason that is probably impossible to explain. Im a weirdo and thus im attracted to other weirdos.

I hope everyone is getting ready for a fun christmas! drink lots of wine!
Merry Christmas