bleh... ive been doing freelancing for a big jewelry company and corportate work surely has its ups and downs... why in the world does it take them thirty days to pay an invoice??? lol. Ive been taking my kids swimming alot... its important to me that my kids are water smart. Neither of them are scared of water at all but my 2 year old squirms alot because she doesnt even want me to hold her in the water. lol. Quakecon is coming up soon and i cannot wait!!! I think we are heading up to Dallas thursday evening... and will head home early sunday morning. Its always so fun to look at all the cool shit... and get a bunch of free stuff. Plus while im in Dallas i get to spend time with my grandma so im very happy about that. A few days ago my sister told us that her husband was going to go to Israel to photograph the casualties of war... i immediatly immersed myself in israel news since i really didnt have a clue as to how bad it is over there. Yeah... i wish i didnt look. He left yesterday and my sister said he got there earlier today. He has international phone service on his cell since he travels alot (hes a photographer for getty images) so atleast we can keep in touch but my sister said when she talked to him today she could hear the missles going off in the background... he said he was where they were shooting off missles.... i dont think i could stand to hear that. Im extremely worried about him but im trying to hide because i know my sister needs us to support him so she doesnt get so worried. I know if i were her id be sitting at home right now crying... fuck... maybe she is sitting at home crying.
anyway sorry i dont have a more interesting update... but i want to ask all of you, religious or not, spiritual or non spiritual, to pray to whoever or even wish upon a star that my brother in law comes home safe and that the fighting over there will stop...
is anyone else going to Quakecon????
anyway sorry i dont have a more interesting update... but i want to ask all of you, religious or not, spiritual or non spiritual, to pray to whoever or even wish upon a star that my brother in law comes home safe and that the fighting over there will stop...
is anyone else going to Quakecon????
Take Care!