Theres a reason my last post stopped on Sep 11. Im sick of this country and how the people treat it. You and your rights have been blown out of proportion and you've taken your views too far. I would gladly lay my life down for the piece of shit that would piss on it. Why you ask... Because I love what my country made, what opportunities it gave families fleeing from oppression and segregation. I proudly serve in the United States Army, where I will finish my days also. I am going back overseas, no intention on coming back. I wont be checking this post, because I simply don't care what heartless, inconsiderate people have to say.
For those of you that have wronged me by talking about me to my woman, Have the balls I have to do what I do as many times as I have without fear. If you were half the man I was, You would say that shit to me, not a girl seeking attention. I fucked up, learned my lesson and you still provoked issues. My issue with that, was that you are a bitch that cant stand your own ground. If any of you feel like confronting me about it, get with Jami again and let her know. Come and see me, You have a month. Be that big man you told her you were. And I will sit you in your place like I have the rest. Careless fucks. Good luck with life.
Anyway, to those that have shared the common interests between us and have actually helped us, thank you. There is a total of 3 that I know of. One passed away. It was an honor to know her. To the others, it was a pleasure knowing you, Im sure I will call you sometime while I am in Afghanistan / Pakistan. <3
My account is up in 2 days. Been here since April 2006, some great times, but they dont out way the bad. So I've decided to leave in my best interest to save my family. Easy as a decision as it was for me. I will miss some that I've met here. Have fun or fuck off
For those of you that have wronged me by talking about me to my woman, Have the balls I have to do what I do as many times as I have without fear. If you were half the man I was, You would say that shit to me, not a girl seeking attention. I fucked up, learned my lesson and you still provoked issues. My issue with that, was that you are a bitch that cant stand your own ground. If any of you feel like confronting me about it, get with Jami again and let her know. Come and see me, You have a month. Be that big man you told her you were. And I will sit you in your place like I have the rest. Careless fucks. Good luck with life.
Anyway, to those that have shared the common interests between us and have actually helped us, thank you. There is a total of 3 that I know of. One passed away. It was an honor to know her. To the others, it was a pleasure knowing you, Im sure I will call you sometime while I am in Afghanistan / Pakistan. <3
My account is up in 2 days. Been here since April 2006, some great times, but they dont out way the bad. So I've decided to leave in my best interest to save my family. Easy as a decision as it was for me. I will miss some that I've met here. Have fun or fuck off