Well, not too much longer....
Unofficially of course, Ive got about 2 more months. Finally be able to get back home. I wont be coming back to a place like this. Or any other combat type tours. Ive got somewhere around 3 1/2 years total combat time. (Actual combat for you fuckin fags that deploy and sit at a desk sharing your versions of "war")
In other news, I got a whole bunch of new pictures of my little momma and little t
Always makes me happy to get new stuff. Or just getting stuff period. lol. Not really sure how I will be when I get home. This deployment really blew my mind away. The raw kind of shit didnt really get to me.
But since Ive been here, Ive had time to actually see how the military is developing for the worse. Things are crumbling apart and the leaders are letting it. Its pretty pathetic really. I know Im not too far up in the mix, but you really have to be an idiot / retarded to do some of the things some leaders are doing.
Anyway, here are some pictures of what this is all about .....
This is a 155mm Artillery round designed to blow my legs off. I pulled this one out. +1 me
Look closely at the last one, you can see a little bomb in there designed to just burn your skin off. Nice eh ?
Dont worry though, we found the makers house, and blew it up. Bitch.
Bunker / Hide position / Cache holds for weapons and HME (Home Made Explosives)
Place for us to cook some food. He actually laid bricks with his dad or something before joing the Army ...
The Air Force sent their best bitches .... literally.
Dude almost shot me ... he missed. So I shot back with a 500lb bomb. And didnt miss.
View from our Gaurd tower ...
Night Operations
My favorite
Imagine stepping on that, and BOOM fgtz.
Best fuckin platoon leader Ive ever worked with.
Awesome platoon sergeant.
We walked EVERYWHERE we went, this happens to be the dried riverbed
This is the shit they pack in the bombs to cut your limbs off. Pretty huh ?
Nice skyline in the evening. Until you go up there....
Walking through the canals was always fun ....
R.I.P. brother
I hope this was a little informative, I spent quite a bit of time resizing pictures and trying to find some stuff for you guys to see. This is , as always, just a little of what is happening here
Later fools
Unofficially of course, Ive got about 2 more months. Finally be able to get back home. I wont be coming back to a place like this. Or any other combat type tours. Ive got somewhere around 3 1/2 years total combat time. (Actual combat for you fuckin fags that deploy and sit at a desk sharing your versions of "war")
In other news, I got a whole bunch of new pictures of my little momma and little t

But since Ive been here, Ive had time to actually see how the military is developing for the worse. Things are crumbling apart and the leaders are letting it. Its pretty pathetic really. I know Im not too far up in the mix, but you really have to be an idiot / retarded to do some of the things some leaders are doing.
Anyway, here are some pictures of what this is all about .....

This is a 155mm Artillery round designed to blow my legs off. I pulled this one out. +1 me

Look closely at the last one, you can see a little bomb in there designed to just burn your skin off. Nice eh ?

Dont worry though, we found the makers house, and blew it up. Bitch.

Bunker / Hide position / Cache holds for weapons and HME (Home Made Explosives)

Place for us to cook some food. He actually laid bricks with his dad or something before joing the Army ...

The Air Force sent their best bitches .... literally.

Dude almost shot me ... he missed. So I shot back with a 500lb bomb. And didnt miss.

View from our Gaurd tower ...

Night Operations

Imagine stepping on that, and BOOM fgtz.

Best fuckin platoon leader Ive ever worked with.

Awesome platoon sergeant.

We walked EVERYWHERE we went, this happens to be the dried riverbed

This is the shit they pack in the bombs to cut your limbs off. Pretty huh ?

Nice skyline in the evening. Until you go up there....

Walking through the canals was always fun ....

R.I.P. brother
I hope this was a little informative, I spent quite a bit of time resizing pictures and trying to find some stuff for you guys to see. This is , as always, just a little of what is happening here

Later fools
Awesome photos. Thank you for sharing. Although, I am a desk toting Officer Candidate, I never forget how important you grunts are. Thank you for what you do.
whoa. i'm ridiculously proud of you, man. it's an honor to know that you do so much for all the rest of us. keep yourself safe for your lady and your little one. (: