This entry was editted. I was || this close to adding a comment asking if anyone else added comments to their own entries, and realized it was stupid because I didn't write anything worth leaving a comment about. So.
I failed the iron test at the red cross today. It turned out to be a fluke, but before she lanced another fingertip she asked if I'd been feeling beaten down lately.
Me? Beaten down? Never. ..Well, maybe.
And I have nothing against nugat, but New! Reese's Fast Breaks are pretty icky. I understand now why I found them where I did...
I failed the iron test at the red cross today. It turned out to be a fluke, but before she lanced another fingertip she asked if I'd been feeling beaten down lately.
Me? Beaten down? Never. ..Well, maybe.
And I have nothing against nugat, but New! Reese's Fast Breaks are pretty icky. I understand now why I found them where I did...
--Geh, I need a new form!
[Edited on Feb 07, 2003]
oh man.
get thee to a candy store.