I have two Halloween cards drawn up for friends, but can't decide which to send them to. If I don't mail them tomorrow, they probably wouldn't get where they're directed by Halloween.
I don't have a costume though, just a few unusual pieces of attire I rescued from the old ways. I don't have a party lined up to hit. I don't even have a pumpkin.
I have allergies, again, with that dulling headache, lack of balance, chapped lips and that HORRIBLE snot-taste that fills my mouth after five hours away from a toothbrush. This, at least, can be remedied. The others? Sleep, showers, & hot water. Maybe some honey.
I seem to be in a cycle. I learn to be happy and at peace with myself, giving me the confidence to go out and meet people. I call them, they call me, I call and leave a few messages, then give up when my confidence fails. Withdrawn back inside myself I again make peace, and try again...
She called me last night, some time between dark and dawn, when I lose faith in my clocks and watches. She called me and I couldn't understand anything that she said, just the way words roll together between lips and cell phone microphones. I picked up enough to sound partly intelligent, something about a club near Liberty & 2nd, she thought, I really have no idea what she was saying. I'd been fast asleep.
Maybe she'll call back tonight, late, and leave me bewildered again, with my clumsy tongue, chapped lips and pressurized sinuses, unsure of who it was. But thus far, the only call I've received was from ComCast, a nice young lady to whom I listened fully, hanging on every intonation to make believe she was actually talking to me, before telling her I don't have a television, but thanking her just the same.
I hate the greasy making of hamburgers, and washing the ensuing dishes, spattered with grease that, dipped in the hot sink, smell like rot. But I have no complaints about the burger that caused this horror.
I don't have a costume though, just a few unusual pieces of attire I rescued from the old ways. I don't have a party lined up to hit. I don't even have a pumpkin.
I have allergies, again, with that dulling headache, lack of balance, chapped lips and that HORRIBLE snot-taste that fills my mouth after five hours away from a toothbrush. This, at least, can be remedied. The others? Sleep, showers, & hot water. Maybe some honey.
I seem to be in a cycle. I learn to be happy and at peace with myself, giving me the confidence to go out and meet people. I call them, they call me, I call and leave a few messages, then give up when my confidence fails. Withdrawn back inside myself I again make peace, and try again...
She called me last night, some time between dark and dawn, when I lose faith in my clocks and watches. She called me and I couldn't understand anything that she said, just the way words roll together between lips and cell phone microphones. I picked up enough to sound partly intelligent, something about a club near Liberty & 2nd, she thought, I really have no idea what she was saying. I'd been fast asleep.
Maybe she'll call back tonight, late, and leave me bewildered again, with my clumsy tongue, chapped lips and pressurized sinuses, unsure of who it was. But thus far, the only call I've received was from ComCast, a nice young lady to whom I listened fully, hanging on every intonation to make believe she was actually talking to me, before telling her I don't have a television, but thanking her just the same.
I hate the greasy making of hamburgers, and washing the ensuing dishes, spattered with grease that, dipped in the hot sink, smell like rot. But I have no complaints about the burger that caused this horror.