my betta died 2 days ago the night before he died he seemed fine i didn't seem as though the cats got at him i looked almost as if he choked
I've been noticing lately these shirpa/mukluk boots i see lots of girls wearing now and can't help thinking that there's a fad just waiting to be regretted in the the future i can picture people looking at pictures of themselves 10 years from now and saying ' what the hell was i thinking!?!'
not that i think they're incredibly hideous (well maybe these) there's just something about them that seems we'll all want to forget after a while

I've been noticing lately these shirpa/mukluk boots i see lots of girls wearing now and can't help thinking that there's a fad just waiting to be regretted in the the future i can picture people looking at pictures of themselves 10 years from now and saying ' what the hell was i thinking!?!'
not that i think they're incredibly hideous (well maybe these) there's just something about them that seems we'll all want to forget after a while