Rant coming on...so hold on! fucking eh...i sit hee typing with my eyes close close i'm drunk and wanted a fucking girl to come home with him so he can just fucking cuddle for once not get some....causei its nice to cuddles some times and not fuck...i rather cuddle then fuck really. i sit here home alone in my parents house or my house...cause i still live with them cause its hard enough to get plae around here in chicago with out going to the far western burbs and get and apartment for cheap and no bars or friens out there that don't want to come out that way cause its to far away from them to get drunk and drive! most of my fiends are all working late or haven't even come out to the bar lately...bastards....oh well...so i get stuck at the bar drinking by myself and drinking alone which is bad....which leads to alcoholism....all i ask to for them to come out have one drink with me while i have 3 to there one...i don't care if i leave my car there...the bar knows me....grrr....maybe i just need to get some.....but i do have a bbq comingup this saturday my aim name is on my contact list...just leave an email there and i'll get you the info to my house...latter folks who are sober reading this!!!!!

My problem is that i am sober, and i totally understand what you are saying! I ranted in my journal too! must be rant week!