Well today is the 3rd...and i'm writing this as I ice my foot! Yeah, i dropped a 102 pound half inch plate right on my foot. Yeah it hurt on the point of impact but it only a bruise so i only have worked on it for a day it wasn't that bad. I can work through pain. I won't have any molers when older but oh well! Anyways i won't be around all weekend cause i have a wedding to go to this week and i think i'm the best man. Great a speech which i suck at besides tits and clits!!
So i just wanted to say hey to you all and tell you about my life this week basically oh yeah i got totally drunk the last weekend cause of the 3 day weekend thank god for monday off! well sunday i didn't cause i was a bum. But i might have girl soon too cause of the weekend woo hoo something to eat i mean play with mean to say i have gf...ha ha nullsleeptyper!!!! well talk to you later!!!!

Since when do fish have feet...?