Well i'm fucking pissed off right now....this girl that i really like is just going off in my face that she got fucked finally and i offered so many fucking times to her and she no your to much of a dork for me....grrrr. GOD DAMN IT WHY CAN"T I GET LAID FOR ONCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
though there is a cute girl i met online and she might out with after i get back from chasing. So hopefully i'll be happy for once in my life.....the only time i am happy is when i'm drunk, trying weed for the first on on saturday or being with a girl i like. GOD DAMN.....I NEED A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I now hold court over 81%
Dood... lemme offer you a bit of advice...
Go out...have a good time. Eventually you will find the girl ur looking for. In the mean time...drink up a storm...smoke a lil ooo weee...and if the offer presents itself to ya... try a lil E. Im not trying to advocate drugs.. all im trying to get at is.. just have fun and enjoy life.. cause that shit goes by so quick ... itll have your fucking head spinning.
Be good dood... and thanks for leavin me comments.. at least I know a few people read my shit on a regular basis