Well time to udate my journal...i'll start with the events that happened last night! Last night i had a lot of fun with my friends at dinner after class. Well i was hitting on a girl that one of my friends likes and he got jelous of it. well i didn't go to class today cause i felt like crap this morning. Well i heard from my friend that is in my morning class, that they were all talk about it and then he came into the room and they all got quiet. tonight during work he told me and we talked after work too. Well i got home from work...i talked to the girl i hit on last night and she didn't mind she knows i like her and she also knows that the guy like her too. I'm guessing i'm the the only one that has balls to hit on her. So i'm going to talk to him tomorrow about this and if he wants to ruin our friendship over a girl then he is stupid. I know it was "his girl" but she already has a bf. He needs to learn fast about the outside world that its not like this about guys going after a girl that he likes. I already had that happen to me this year but she is still my friend even though i still hit on her. GRRRR i wish everyone had my damn knownledge!
Hmm.. tell your friend to WAKE the FOCC up, lol. Also... one girl is not a life or death thing... he's gotta learn to deal with the fact that hey...other people might like the girl too, lol. Either way... don't stress it in the slightest. True friends will understand. Keep it real fish.
As the Fish5 turns! LOL Sounds like a good scenario for a soap opera to me!
I am just joking
Just be yourself dood, and go with your gut feelings! If it happens it happens, and if your friend doesn't want to accept that, well that is his problem! I mean it would be different if they were really tight, but the way your talkin, it doesn't seem that way!
If i had a gf and some dood started hitting on her, i would watch her reaction to it, and if i saw that she was lookin elsewhere, then i would too! Its that simple!
~~~~,~~,`< THE GATOR