SPOILERS! (Click to view) "We had just gotten off tour with Mudhoney, and I decided to stage-dive. I was wearing a dress and I didn't realize what I was engendering in the audience. It was a huge audience and they were kind of going ape-shit. So I just dove off the stage, and suddenly, it was like my dress was being torn off of me, my underwear was being torn off of me, people were putting their fingers inside of me and grabbing my breasts really hard, screaming things in my ears like "pussy-whore-cunt". When I got back onstage I was naked. I felt like Karen Finley. But the worst thing of all was that I saw a photograph of it later. Someone took a picture of me right when this was happening, and I had this big smile on my face like I was pretending it wasn't happening. So later I wrote a song called "Asking For It" based on the whole experience. I can't compare it to rape because it's not the same. But in a way it was. I was raped by an audience, figuratively, literally, and yet, was I asking for it?" Courtney Love.
I went to a rock night the other night, at one of my local clubs. There were all these topless meat head guys in the pit, thinking they were the toughest shit ever. This one girl was in the pit...she was around 6 foot & so holding her own. But those assholes were purposely trying to hit & kick & push her. Because she was a girl? Who knows.
I decided I wasn't gunna watch that shit, so I got involved & in my drunken haze, tried to kick as much meat head ass I could. Those guys totally annihilated me. They fucking hated a little girl in a dress & pumps being in their macho metal pit.
At one point I took off my dress & was just in my leopard print leggings & bra.
And what does some big tough guy do? Unhooks my bra.
I was fucking furious. I'm surrounded by 10 or more topless guys...A girl dares to undress a little because she's hot & the natural move is to undo her bra?!
Jesus Christ.
I'm not a tough girl; I'm small & shy & I like a quiet life. But I hate that mucho "men being men, girls can't be tough like us" sexist bullshit.
You give me that attitude & I will prove you wrong.

I'm covered in bruises like that.
Battle scars.
I'm glad I stuck up for that cute girl who was being beat on purely for the sake of being a girl & I'm so glad I gave the son of a bitch who undid my bra a fat lip.

In other news, I took a cute boy home that night.
The next day I realised I hate sharing my bed, and I only really enjoy sex with someone I want to be with.
So many miles away from my 14,15,16,17 year old promiscuous self.

Oh, and in case you didn't know...

The only way to get rid of it is for people to stand up to them like you did and for people to try and live to a standard themselve. I wrote a bit about it on my blog the other day.