Belle De Jour is at 98%
98 out of 100 people liking my naked ass? Not too shabby for this non model.
The weather's been lovely recently. I honestly could never tire of Bath. It has the most gorgeous architecture & I adore walking here.
It's been a tough few weeks. But I'm so thankful recently; especially for my family.
And the response on my last blog, not so much on the content but the writing, has given me a much needed kick up the ass to write more regularly & to get the guts to share it.

Hope everyone's good,

98 out of 100 people liking my naked ass? Not too shabby for this non model.

The weather's been lovely recently. I honestly could never tire of Bath. It has the most gorgeous architecture & I adore walking here.

It's been a tough few weeks. But I'm so thankful recently; especially for my family.
And the response on my last blog, not so much on the content but the writing, has given me a much needed kick up the ass to write more regularly & to get the guts to share it.

Hope everyone's good,
It's a 4 year long story that's waaaaay too long and personal for here, I'm okay, I'm just really fed up and disillusioned with the human race. Well that's not strictly true, I think most people are amazing and I have a lot of love for them, but I don't trust the way people relate to me. I know I'm a fundamentally good person and I have a lot to offer, If anything I give too freely and unconditionally and I think I deserve a lot better than what I get in return.
It's easier to keep myself to myself than do what feels like headbutting a brick wall constantly.