Autumn seems to be well and truly here.
I spotted my first robin too. It was so shy though, and flew off just after I took this photo.

I've really missed writing, especially writing letters. I like to be creative and decorate hand written letters, and make little packages. So I'm really pleased, as I have a new pen pal, who is just the cutest lady ever.

I'm over my first bout of food poisoning (I am SO off meat. I have never been so ill.) I've been making up for it by eating lots and lots. And mostly cake.

I'm just too stressed and pensive at the moment. Trying desperately to just plan and organise as much as I can. and not over think what I can't control.
Long baths seem to be helping the pensive mood. I like to sit in it, alternating between thinking and reading books, till it turns cold. It's fast becoming a nice way to spend an hour of my evening when the baby's asleep.

I quite like change. I appear to be directing myself into a change of career. I gave my notice in at my nice, safe job and am thinking of training in something I love. I'd like to be more independent and be able to determine my own hours, by the time my son starts school.
It seems like a realistic target to me.
Anyway! I hope everyone's well and keeping warm.
Oh, and I found possibly the most stunning lace body ever. I want it. 250. If only I could justify spoiling myself to that extent.

I spotted my first robin too. It was so shy though, and flew off just after I took this photo.

I've really missed writing, especially writing letters. I like to be creative and decorate hand written letters, and make little packages. So I'm really pleased, as I have a new pen pal, who is just the cutest lady ever.

I'm over my first bout of food poisoning (I am SO off meat. I have never been so ill.) I've been making up for it by eating lots and lots. And mostly cake.

I'm just too stressed and pensive at the moment. Trying desperately to just plan and organise as much as I can. and not over think what I can't control.
Long baths seem to be helping the pensive mood. I like to sit in it, alternating between thinking and reading books, till it turns cold. It's fast becoming a nice way to spend an hour of my evening when the baby's asleep.

I quite like change. I appear to be directing myself into a change of career. I gave my notice in at my nice, safe job and am thinking of training in something I love. I'd like to be more independent and be able to determine my own hours, by the time my son starts school.
It seems like a realistic target to me.
Anyway! I hope everyone's well and keeping warm.
Oh, and I found possibly the most stunning lace body ever. I want it. 250. If only I could justify spoiling myself to that extent.

I should have an answer tomorrow about my potential flat, I'll let you know as soon as I can ! So excited to do this 

Hi lady