Not only was it really cool because it was quite a small, intimate gig, but she chatted between songs and I fell a little more in love with her. I discovered that Patti Smith also has the cutest, girliest giggle I ever heard (which surprised me, maybe because her appearance is quite masculine?).
I was thinking whilst watching her, that she is totally what I think is sexy in a woman.
No skin on show to please, no conforming to a stereotype....
Just incredibly talented, beautiful performer, confident, don't-give-a-shit-what-you-think attitude, and so, so beautiful.
I cannot believe she is 65 years old.
What an icon.
So, of late the weather has been hot, and sticky.
I like warmth, but humidity drives me a little insane.
Ice lollies, sandals and cold baths are the only way I know how to cope.
(if anyone has any tips for coping with heat, for someone who suffers from swollen ankles and major lethargy than please share!)

I recently spent a wonderfully peaceful afternoon in the Botanical Gardens.
So many beautiful plants; I wish I'd taken the time to write the names down of the flowers I photographed as they have little placards with the names in Latin on.
I got to view another flat.
As seems to be the theme recently (and this is the seventh property I've viewed) I didn't get it.
Feeling a little dispondent.
So, I've been comfort eating in the form of chocolate brownie cheesecake.
Totally overidulgent and caloific but one of the yummiest desserts ever.
My hair has grown long enough to put in pigtails again, which made me happy.
Check out how teeny tiny they are...
I've started running again. I forgot how much it relaxes me.
I run along the river, and because it's been so hot and damp, there are slugs & snails all along the path.
I was tying so hard not to step on any.
The snails have even migrated to inside my house...
Although my set I shot with Lavezzero is not quite finished, here's an (unedited) peek at what we got up to...
Oh, and Fuschicho has a new set in MR.
It's definitely her best set yet and I think you can tell how much more confident she's getting in front of the camera.
I went with Bigiddy to shoot her and helped out, and she's so cute and friendly, and just such a nice girl, I'm sure she'd appreciate a comment or two.
Hope this blog pleases polizei, who suggested it had been too long since my last blog.
Don't let it be said that I don't aim to please!
Lots of love
Fische <3
I hope I'll have a chance to work with you too. Maybe if I come back to the uk ?