I think its time... I've sat back, feeling the power ebb and flow for a few months now. I've been waiting, waiting to know for sure the time was right this time. I've seen this calm before and the storms that come after. I've been caught in them and brought low by them. At other times I've raged against them and been sure the thunder itself was the Gods shaking with fear. All of these storms I have brought upon myself and I stand proud that I have survived them all and been made stronger and wiser for them But as a friend recently pointed out, all I currently am, is an echo of my past. So with that in mind, I have a name for this Storm, I name it Ganesha and release it towards my future, and offer my past as sacrifice. I will travel with this Storm and when it breaks I will no longer be the echo but its creator.
Thank you, to chrisalis, I never would have thought a caterpillars story could be so inspiring. Your friendship will never be forgotten or regretted.
Thank you, to chrisalis, I never would have thought a caterpillars story could be so inspiring. Your friendship will never be forgotten or regretted.
love, chris