It's been an interesting year, most important being that I traded in my computer graphics major for a Journalism one - and it's already paying off. I've been named my paper's Technology/Gaming Editor under the College Life banner, and I'm excited. This is exactly what I wanted to do as a career and it's working out so far. Junior college, but still.
I've also been keeping up a gaming podcast and blog with a buddy of mine from the same class - I'll post it up here later if I can get it through iTunes (long story short, the cast broke two SoundCloud accounts due to the two-hour limit). Right now, they're video files floating in my email and computer.
There's a lot going on - retail hell with two jobs, haven't started Christmas shopping (ironically), and a crap ton of personal dramatics that were waded through to the end. That and I'm inching closer to getting into a university.
I gotta say, I'm digging the new SG layout. It was a little jarring at first, but it's easy on the eyes, and faster than the last one. Girls look fantastic as usual, and I can't wait to see what I've missed. This is gonna be good.