me and sarah worked on the nancy pants website today
there's not much up yet.. but there will be soon i hope..
i went to sam's club today and bought several pounds of cat food and cat litter, and 6 replacement heads for my electric toothbrush.. now i don't have to go back there for 6 months.. yay! it's very late.. but i kinda...
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Where coffee houses? eeek
God I cant imagine being stuck in AK... *shrugs*
I mean there was this special once..... heh. *shuts mouth*
Anywho heya *waves*
random yuri comment passing through.
and dont listen to ol thaddeus there wink
Hes EBIL I SAY! *giggle*
not really wink
er congrats on limbo I guess.
ok ciao
.... your profile really has me wishing I were much cuter wink tongue
*laughs hysterically*
so, today was kinda lame..
when i got up this morning, i melted my tea kettle to the stove cuz i didn't realize there was no water in it.. so it just kinda.. well.. melted.. and it's got mushrooms on it.. it matches all my kitchen stuff i found at various thrift stores.. waaaah.. my cat just fell off the desk.. this was amusing because...
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oh my god.. i found out my rock star is going to be back in fairbanks this summer! i can't wait to see him again. after all he took a chunk of my heart back to ohio with him. i want it back. no really he's soooo pretty and talented, and sweet.. so so soo sweet..


just look at him. he's the one on...
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so sarah came over and somehow we got on the subject of joe.. a boy i used to love, but we were always just good friends, and now he's married.. blah blah blah.. but i told her the whole story about our friendship from when i was 14 right up to when we got drunk and told eachother how we felt about one another when...
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oh my god.. i found out my rock star is going to be back in fairbanks this summer! i can't wait to see him again. after all he took a chunk of my heart back to ohio with him. i want it back.
check it check it check it check it check it check it you son of a bitch. shocked
oh god.. i am listening to the the only audio recording of my band playing.. it also happens to be the worst we've ever played.. it's so bad.. but entertaining.. there was no drumset.. no nessa played hand drums.. HAND DRUMS!!! we're a punk band!! HA HA HA!!!!
sooo.. last night was fun. me and jenny went to value village and i put on a wedding dress.. it had the veil and everything.. then we went to my house, and we sterted cleaning.. but then liam showed up and we all got really lifted.. then i was too lazy to clean.. but that's ok.. cuz my place looks better than it did.
LACI! I totally wanted to get drunk and destroy your house tonight, but instead I ended up at the marlin. you should have a real party SOON! I had beer and everything.
it's funny.. i felt awful all weekend.. but i had so much fun last night.. it doesn't even matter anymore.
man.. this world music at work is getting to me.. i was listening to mindless self indulgence before i came in.. and that's all i really want to be listening to right now.. not this shit.. it's arabic music.. don't get me wrong, i do enjoy it.. WHEN that's what i want to be listening to.. so yeah.. last night i went to the mall...
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I was! I did! and I want o meet her, perhaps we should go to dennys (car?) and find her. I didn't get a very good look at her. The bus rocks, denny's does not rock. bok
fuck all that shit.. love is for quitters.. if i get married i might as well wear sweat pants in public.. i thought i was in love.. but it turned out to be a lie.. a lie! i dumped him last week because he decided to punch holes in walls in my place because i told him i am a bisexual.. then he accused me...
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feeling not at all one with myself.. i have all these big stupid dreams.. that i can only go after if i were to move to a city, as much as i love seattle.. i am afraid to leave alaska.. i love it here so much, and i feel safe here.. however.. there's nothing here.. for me there is. Stevie is here and he has...
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It's a fine time to move to Seattle, re-zoning the U District is lowering rent quite a bit. I haven't been up to capitol hill in awhile, so I can't vouch for that, but I assume they are doing well up there as well.
Do you really want to spend another winter in FBX? What's the life change all about?
Get some sleep. kiss