Well, I guess the Norwegian guy is coming after all and so I shall not be hippying it up in the mud. Oh well. The good news is that the girl will be back and the hot norwegian guy will be here and that leads to all sorts of exciting possibilities.
My friend just joined this band:
And you should all check them out because they are hilarious!!!!!! When I saw them I got up on stage and my friend (pete, the guitarist with the bandana) leaned iinto me all sweaty and I kissed him.
.They are not only funny as hell but put on a damn good show.

My friend just joined this band:
And you should all check them out because they are hilarious!!!!!! When I saw them I got up on stage and my friend (pete, the guitarist with the bandana) leaned iinto me all sweaty and I kissed him.

Not really sure of your situation but hope everything works out well with the Norwegian guy and your girl.
Love the photos