the man I shall marry. half man, half plant, just think, If his arms can turn into giant GUNS, what can his other extremities do?
I think I was misunderstood concerning my last journal entry. I cannot go around sleeping with everybody, so the one night stands idea is bad. I have had a few, and they are never that great. Thats why its so frusterating for me. I am also pretty picky. But anyways, thanks for all the advice.
Its not so bad anyways.
I don't have to work until thursday. I have plenty of weed, and my roomates room is ac, so when I wake up in the morning and can't sleep (since its supposed to be 103 in boston tomorrow, plus the wretched wretched humidity) I can just go sleep in there since she'll be at work!
And I also plan on going to my friends house tomorrow, he has the nicest pool.
the man I shall marry. half man, half plant, just think, If his arms can turn into giant GUNS, what can his other extremities do?
I think I was misunderstood concerning my last journal entry. I cannot go around sleeping with everybody, so the one night stands idea is bad. I have had a few, and they are never that great. Thats why its so frusterating for me. I am also pretty picky. But anyways, thanks for all the advice.

Its not so bad anyways.

And I also plan on going to my friends house tomorrow, he has the nicest pool.