Last night I was sleeping, and awoke from a terrible dream. So I called up my pal Jack Daniels, and his partner Jimmy Beam. And We drank alone. Yeah. With nobody else. And you know that when I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself.
Hooray, in 5 weeks my hot norwegian pen pal is going to come and visit me...
ummmm, yeah, I am pretty tired and hungry, so I am gonna make this short and sweet. For me. But for everyone else I am going to post the zombie dream I made into a short story journal entry style yesterday. Read it if you want, no pressure. If you do read it, please give me some constructive criticism as I plan on continuing the story and possibly making a script out of it for my friend. Ok, so here it is. And I am done with this entry, so be naughty evrybody, and I hope you all get some tail this weekend!!!!!!
Zombie Dreams
I live in an apartment in the city in front of a fountain with my mother and sister. I am 17 years old. It has been several months since the zombie attackThey made it into our building, but our landlord had closed the gate in the stairwell before they got to the top. They couldnt remember exactly why, but they knew there was something at the top that they didnt like, so they came less and less.
They rarely come out in the daytime, and last time I saw one he was crying. oh what a monstrous thing! Right in the middle of the square, wandering around with his face all bloated and bluish. I walked right past him, kept my eyes on him the whole time, but he didnt even notice me. But it is forbidden to go out at night.
Oh the man downstairs, with the basement apartment is so lucky! He has the most secure apartment in the whole city! And he is very handsome! His name is Cian, and I have always seen him around, but today he wanted to show me his newest experimentsee he is a scientist involved in chemistry, and is in love with gas and poison! He Had a purple flame in his apartment, which shone dimly and was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I look at his face and think Possibly the second, actually! He looks at me and smiles.
Cian and I see each other every day now. I am getting more and more afraid of the zombies in the streets, though. Last night I was out too late, and was walking home with Cian, and right outside our building we saw a perfectly normal looking man, and he was walking with this woman. She was hysterically screaming for him to be reasonableIt wont hurt to have it checked out! she said. And all of the sudden the man turned into one of those MONSTERS right in front of my eyes! I had seen lots of my neighbors get attacked from the window, but I never saw any of them transform. He spasmed and the blood came pouring out of his mouth, and then he started jerking around and running! I have never seen one of those things move faster than slow walk, which makes it seem easy to get away from them. I screamed and Cian told me to go home as fast as I could. Why does he never want me to stay at his apartment?
Sister and I got into a fight today. She told me that I am neglectful, and I dont love her and mother, because they have stayed together during this crisis, and I have been wandering around trying to get myself killed. I also realized why the zombies only come out at night. They sleep during the dayWell a sort of waking sleep. They line up along the high walls where the train tracks used to be and there is shade all day. They stand there and cry and moan pitifully. I saw them as I was walking off my argument.. I think I saw our old neighbor, Mr. Walkins, and he was one of the monsters. I hope I never become one of those things. The apartment is also scaring me more and more. I think someone looted part of our gate, because it only covers the main stairs now, not the back ones. Our front door is not very strong, and we also have windows. I wonder..If the things could run, then could they climb? I wish I could move in with Cian! He seems to care about me so much, and I am in love with him I am sure!
I brought Cian to see where the monsters sleep. When we were leaving I told him about how scared I am about the stair well. He said that it would be easy to fix, and we will do it tomorrow. The landlord heard and said oh good, young man! You know about grating? Cian looked distraught, but nodded his head. I am so lucky to have him.
Oh the horror! The wretched beasts have gotten mother! She was on the first floor doing laundry late last night, and they snatched her! good thing they are still apprehensive about going up the stairs! Oh but poor mother! So many people have lost mothers, sisters, fathers, husbands, even children, so I am not alone. I have no right to pity myself like this! Oh but I loved her so much. And now sister is all alone! I cannot even be around her. She tried to make me feel guilty every time!
There are more and more of them every night. I know that eventually they will run out of victims on the street, and come into our apartment.. I cant stand the idea of being eaten. I picked up a weaponA sharp knife on the end of a stick, so if one tries to bite me, I can cut his head off from a distance. That seems to work.
Oh, I am now worried about Cian. He has been very distraught. He has let me sleep in his apartment twice now. The second time we made love! I have never felt so happy and safe! We could live there forever as long as there is food. But he seems so depressed. I found him lying on the couch yesterday in the afternoon, just lying there, staring at the ceiling. When I said something to him, he looked over and I saw that he had been crying. I rushed over and laid on the couch with him, but he was so cold and distant. What is wrong, and why wont he talk to me?
Its all bad. Everything is gone. I might as well feed myself to the monsters. There is no way to leave, and I cannot possibly stay with the memories I have experienced today. Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh FUCK! They are both dead! Sister and Cian! I am all alone! But it wasnt even the monsters today. It was Cian. I found him lying on the couch, as he has been doing lately. He seemed so upset, so I went to him..He said I cant take it anymore, and pulled out a gun, I backed away and he shot the ceiling! A little hole opened up and these water balloons came out, splashing on him, releasing this gas/liquid all over his body! He stiffed up and fell to the floor! I ran out into the fountain, and my head was getting light. I kept looking at my hands, and they were so white, so white. I just stumbled into the square, where a few people were scurrying around. The few live people left. A boy grabbed me, and held me, I must have been screaminghes dead, oh he is Dead! The boy brought me to his house and I stayed there last night. then today I went back with him, and every one in the building, including my sister, are all dead from the fumes! He killed them all!!!!!! And he tried to kill me too!
Today is my birthday. I have been neglectful of my journal as I was neglectful of my mother and sister. now I am 18 years old. I have been living with Rain, the boy who saved me after that terrible day. He is more wonderful than any other person I have ever met. I want to hold him all the time. he knows I have feelings for him, and I think he has feelings for me. I cannot help but be there for him always! He wants to go to school so very badly. He attends a sort of high school, but it is a broken down building, ruled over by an evil witch. he did a huge story for her for the news , and is supposed to get paid for it, but she hasnt given him the check yet. we are going there tomorrow to see if we can talk her into paying him. I have seen so much death in my life, I cannot bear to lose him.
We got the check! It was $220!!!!! I could have sworn we had lost it, but Rain insisted it was there, and when I looked it was in my wallet! He must be some kind of wizard. It took lots of courage for him to go see that witch. She lords over so many children, like an orphanage. I saw one slip and fall through some floorboards while I was waiting, and then an older manwho looked just like Cianfell over him, pushing him through. The poor boy wearing the red and white striped shirt must have fallen to his death, for I heard the scream, and then a horrible thud,.. No one even notices death anymore it seems.
I want to marry Rain. I am completely in love with him in every aspect. He took me out to dinner with the money he got. And I am pretty sure he saw the love light in my eyes when he asked me out. I cant even hide it anymore!!!
The zombies are all corralled now. The dont come into the cities, but they are corralled in between the two cities, and there are roughly three times as many of them as there are of us. The authorities say that they have stopped attacking. That it is safe to walk among them, which many people do to commute. They only attack supposedly if there is a crowd together of more than four, or if someone is drunk. So alcohol has been forbidden. I wondered at first why they didnt just chop all their heads off, but then I read a report that said that it doesnt work. At first it seemed to, but the bodies would get up after a while and find their head or a head, and it would grow back on. horrible monsters. And I dont believe that they are all of the sudden nice Zombies. I think they are smarter than we think. They are trying to get us to trust them, so that they can finish us off as they have always wanted. They know their time is short, because they are slowly decomposing. Anyone can smell the stench for miles around the wastelands..(the zombie part of town)
We are going through the wastelands tomorrow. Oh I dare not even think about it. Rain needs to go to Littleton tomorrow, and I cannot let him go alone. I would rather die by his side than sit and have him not return.
Horror, oh sweet horror, my closest friend. The monsters are even more horrible than I ever imagined! They were not attacking people, true. But they are eerily aware of us! We had to wear masks for the stench. And everywhere there were normal people like me just briskly walking through a maze of stumbling corpses. there were fat old men with sagging rotting flesh, and old women naked and moaning. Their toenails and fingernails are black and the flesh around them is black, and when they stumble it scrapes off just a little. Oh dear God you have for sure left us in a hell and moved on to another place! I saw children! A little girl holding a doll walked right up to me and grabbed at my shirt. A man tried to grab my hair. I almost got hysterical, but Rain calmed me down. Just act natural he said. And there were a few in chains, thrashing about. huge hulking monsters who no longer resembled humans at all, but more like mutant freaks! They all look like mutant freaks! And at the end, when I thought it was over, two turned the corner. A boy I went to school with and another, and they seemed to be TALKING! There faces were ashen, and skin was flaking off. Their lips were dry and one smiled at me, flashing yellowing teeth on a background of black and purple tongue! he grabbed at me and sneered. He was playing with me! They do mean to finish it, I am certain.

Hooray, in 5 weeks my hot norwegian pen pal is going to come and visit me...

ummmm, yeah, I am pretty tired and hungry, so I am gonna make this short and sweet. For me. But for everyone else I am going to post the zombie dream I made into a short story journal entry style yesterday. Read it if you want, no pressure. If you do read it, please give me some constructive criticism as I plan on continuing the story and possibly making a script out of it for my friend. Ok, so here it is. And I am done with this entry, so be naughty evrybody, and I hope you all get some tail this weekend!!!!!!

Zombie Dreams
I live in an apartment in the city in front of a fountain with my mother and sister. I am 17 years old. It has been several months since the zombie attackThey made it into our building, but our landlord had closed the gate in the stairwell before they got to the top. They couldnt remember exactly why, but they knew there was something at the top that they didnt like, so they came less and less.
They rarely come out in the daytime, and last time I saw one he was crying. oh what a monstrous thing! Right in the middle of the square, wandering around with his face all bloated and bluish. I walked right past him, kept my eyes on him the whole time, but he didnt even notice me. But it is forbidden to go out at night.
Oh the man downstairs, with the basement apartment is so lucky! He has the most secure apartment in the whole city! And he is very handsome! His name is Cian, and I have always seen him around, but today he wanted to show me his newest experimentsee he is a scientist involved in chemistry, and is in love with gas and poison! He Had a purple flame in his apartment, which shone dimly and was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I look at his face and think Possibly the second, actually! He looks at me and smiles.
Cian and I see each other every day now. I am getting more and more afraid of the zombies in the streets, though. Last night I was out too late, and was walking home with Cian, and right outside our building we saw a perfectly normal looking man, and he was walking with this woman. She was hysterically screaming for him to be reasonableIt wont hurt to have it checked out! she said. And all of the sudden the man turned into one of those MONSTERS right in front of my eyes! I had seen lots of my neighbors get attacked from the window, but I never saw any of them transform. He spasmed and the blood came pouring out of his mouth, and then he started jerking around and running! I have never seen one of those things move faster than slow walk, which makes it seem easy to get away from them. I screamed and Cian told me to go home as fast as I could. Why does he never want me to stay at his apartment?
Sister and I got into a fight today. She told me that I am neglectful, and I dont love her and mother, because they have stayed together during this crisis, and I have been wandering around trying to get myself killed. I also realized why the zombies only come out at night. They sleep during the dayWell a sort of waking sleep. They line up along the high walls where the train tracks used to be and there is shade all day. They stand there and cry and moan pitifully. I saw them as I was walking off my argument.. I think I saw our old neighbor, Mr. Walkins, and he was one of the monsters. I hope I never become one of those things. The apartment is also scaring me more and more. I think someone looted part of our gate, because it only covers the main stairs now, not the back ones. Our front door is not very strong, and we also have windows. I wonder..If the things could run, then could they climb? I wish I could move in with Cian! He seems to care about me so much, and I am in love with him I am sure!
I brought Cian to see where the monsters sleep. When we were leaving I told him about how scared I am about the stair well. He said that it would be easy to fix, and we will do it tomorrow. The landlord heard and said oh good, young man! You know about grating? Cian looked distraught, but nodded his head. I am so lucky to have him.
Oh the horror! The wretched beasts have gotten mother! She was on the first floor doing laundry late last night, and they snatched her! good thing they are still apprehensive about going up the stairs! Oh but poor mother! So many people have lost mothers, sisters, fathers, husbands, even children, so I am not alone. I have no right to pity myself like this! Oh but I loved her so much. And now sister is all alone! I cannot even be around her. She tried to make me feel guilty every time!
There are more and more of them every night. I know that eventually they will run out of victims on the street, and come into our apartment.. I cant stand the idea of being eaten. I picked up a weaponA sharp knife on the end of a stick, so if one tries to bite me, I can cut his head off from a distance. That seems to work.
Oh, I am now worried about Cian. He has been very distraught. He has let me sleep in his apartment twice now. The second time we made love! I have never felt so happy and safe! We could live there forever as long as there is food. But he seems so depressed. I found him lying on the couch yesterday in the afternoon, just lying there, staring at the ceiling. When I said something to him, he looked over and I saw that he had been crying. I rushed over and laid on the couch with him, but he was so cold and distant. What is wrong, and why wont he talk to me?
Its all bad. Everything is gone. I might as well feed myself to the monsters. There is no way to leave, and I cannot possibly stay with the memories I have experienced today. Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh FUCK! They are both dead! Sister and Cian! I am all alone! But it wasnt even the monsters today. It was Cian. I found him lying on the couch, as he has been doing lately. He seemed so upset, so I went to him..He said I cant take it anymore, and pulled out a gun, I backed away and he shot the ceiling! A little hole opened up and these water balloons came out, splashing on him, releasing this gas/liquid all over his body! He stiffed up and fell to the floor! I ran out into the fountain, and my head was getting light. I kept looking at my hands, and they were so white, so white. I just stumbled into the square, where a few people were scurrying around. The few live people left. A boy grabbed me, and held me, I must have been screaminghes dead, oh he is Dead! The boy brought me to his house and I stayed there last night. then today I went back with him, and every one in the building, including my sister, are all dead from the fumes! He killed them all!!!!!! And he tried to kill me too!
Today is my birthday. I have been neglectful of my journal as I was neglectful of my mother and sister. now I am 18 years old. I have been living with Rain, the boy who saved me after that terrible day. He is more wonderful than any other person I have ever met. I want to hold him all the time. he knows I have feelings for him, and I think he has feelings for me. I cannot help but be there for him always! He wants to go to school so very badly. He attends a sort of high school, but it is a broken down building, ruled over by an evil witch. he did a huge story for her for the news , and is supposed to get paid for it, but she hasnt given him the check yet. we are going there tomorrow to see if we can talk her into paying him. I have seen so much death in my life, I cannot bear to lose him.
We got the check! It was $220!!!!! I could have sworn we had lost it, but Rain insisted it was there, and when I looked it was in my wallet! He must be some kind of wizard. It took lots of courage for him to go see that witch. She lords over so many children, like an orphanage. I saw one slip and fall through some floorboards while I was waiting, and then an older manwho looked just like Cianfell over him, pushing him through. The poor boy wearing the red and white striped shirt must have fallen to his death, for I heard the scream, and then a horrible thud,.. No one even notices death anymore it seems.
I want to marry Rain. I am completely in love with him in every aspect. He took me out to dinner with the money he got. And I am pretty sure he saw the love light in my eyes when he asked me out. I cant even hide it anymore!!!
The zombies are all corralled now. The dont come into the cities, but they are corralled in between the two cities, and there are roughly three times as many of them as there are of us. The authorities say that they have stopped attacking. That it is safe to walk among them, which many people do to commute. They only attack supposedly if there is a crowd together of more than four, or if someone is drunk. So alcohol has been forbidden. I wondered at first why they didnt just chop all their heads off, but then I read a report that said that it doesnt work. At first it seemed to, but the bodies would get up after a while and find their head or a head, and it would grow back on. horrible monsters. And I dont believe that they are all of the sudden nice Zombies. I think they are smarter than we think. They are trying to get us to trust them, so that they can finish us off as they have always wanted. They know their time is short, because they are slowly decomposing. Anyone can smell the stench for miles around the wastelands..(the zombie part of town)
We are going through the wastelands tomorrow. Oh I dare not even think about it. Rain needs to go to Littleton tomorrow, and I cannot let him go alone. I would rather die by his side than sit and have him not return.
Horror, oh sweet horror, my closest friend. The monsters are even more horrible than I ever imagined! They were not attacking people, true. But they are eerily aware of us! We had to wear masks for the stench. And everywhere there were normal people like me just briskly walking through a maze of stumbling corpses. there were fat old men with sagging rotting flesh, and old women naked and moaning. Their toenails and fingernails are black and the flesh around them is black, and when they stumble it scrapes off just a little. Oh dear God you have for sure left us in a hell and moved on to another place! I saw children! A little girl holding a doll walked right up to me and grabbed at my shirt. A man tried to grab my hair. I almost got hysterical, but Rain calmed me down. Just act natural he said. And there were a few in chains, thrashing about. huge hulking monsters who no longer resembled humans at all, but more like mutant freaks! They all look like mutant freaks! And at the end, when I thought it was over, two turned the corner. A boy I went to school with and another, and they seemed to be TALKING! There faces were ashen, and skin was flaking off. Their lips were dry and one smiled at me, flashing yellowing teeth on a background of black and purple tongue! he grabbed at me and sneered. He was playing with me! They do mean to finish it, I am certain.

Have you ever read "Herbert West - Reanimator" by HP Lovecraft. If you haven't, then I recommend it!
I agree with archon. Herbert West is probably Lovecraft's best work. It has a really humorous side normally missing from him, and from horror in general.
Criticisms: 6 weeks is a little long before mentioning Sister. I would think family members would be more prevalent in someone's life.
I've had an outline for a play I've been working on for some time. Still have not gotten around to it.