Whoa, what a weekend. God damn my alcohollism. Fucks me right up.
I hung out with a good friend, and we watched movies, napped, went to the bar, banged somne guy. It was a good time. Now I have to go to work though, which totally sucks. Thanks for taking the quiz though, and for those of you that were interested, I think I mostly smell like patchouly. That and a musk perfume I wear. Sometimes I forget the patchouly and just smell like bo, since I never wear deoderant.
Some people really like the smell of my bo, however. I must have good pheramones. (Spelling?)
I like this new guy now. Actually I have always liked him, and now I am swooning. He is lilke 26, and has giant blue eyes. I can't allow myself to look at him, or else I might start swooning in front ot him, and I can't allow myself to be that ridiculous. Hopefully I will grow some guts and talk to him.. He was at a party last night, and he kept looking at me, so that good right?
Here is another question for you all. Sorry about this if you don't want to answer you don't have to. I have just been thinking a lot lately, and was wondering if you guys have any thoughts on reincarnation. I for one am not religious, and have always had mixed thoughts on the afterlife. I am just being speculative and was wondering.

I hung out with a good friend, and we watched movies, napped, went to the bar, banged somne guy. It was a good time. Now I have to go to work though, which totally sucks. Thanks for taking the quiz though, and for those of you that were interested, I think I mostly smell like patchouly. That and a musk perfume I wear. Sometimes I forget the patchouly and just smell like bo, since I never wear deoderant.

I like this new guy now. Actually I have always liked him, and now I am swooning. He is lilke 26, and has giant blue eyes. I can't allow myself to look at him, or else I might start swooning in front ot him, and I can't allow myself to be that ridiculous. Hopefully I will grow some guts and talk to him.. He was at a party last night, and he kept looking at me, so that good right?
Here is another question for you all. Sorry about this if you don't want to answer you don't have to. I have just been thinking a lot lately, and was wondering if you guys have any thoughts on reincarnation. I for one am not religious, and have always had mixed thoughts on the afterlife. I am just being speculative and was wondering.

It's common scientifical-type knowledge that the universe is made of energy. What we perceive is illusion, or rather what we perceive is only what our limited scope of consciousness can process. Yet we, too, deep down, are energy.
Energy, as far as I know, can not be destroyed. So what happens to the energy that is the "me" and "you" after we die? I believe it is simply redistributed throughout the universe in a strange perversion of reincarnation.
I find it necessary at this point to state that I do believe in a higher power, be it a divine All Creator or several million Super People who look upon us in the same way we view the amoeba: they are superior to us simply because it is their nature to be so. Call me a polytheist if you like.
Despite all evidence to the contrary, I do believe that people who do not partake of evil will be rewarded in the afterlife. There are universal laws that sentient beings must adhere to.
There's no reasonable foundation for my belief, it's simply the drowning optimist within me. These people, or "good" people, draw in positive energy from the universe. Thus, their "souls" are larger than those who are "evil."
So with that in mind, let me use this example to explain how I think our energy is distributed. Imagine an ocean. In the middle of this ocean is a large mountain. This mountain has many, many spires of various shapes and sizes, all with varying pools at the top. Let's get all symbolic and call your body a cloud. Your cloud hovers above this mountain. When you die, you rain your soul over the mountain. Depending on how good you were in life, you will rain more. You fill most of the pools and spill out into other pools. These pools gather your water and distribute them to other clouds, via evaporation. However, the greatest of rains spill out into the ocean, where they join with the Higher Power in a way not unlike acheiving Buddhahood.
This process will change you, however. Since you've lost most of your Self, you won't be the same being.
And that is my completly unfounded and possibly ridiculous belief system.
Sorry, I'm fascinated now . . . gotta dig a little deeper, and see if I'm following you: so is this a hypothesis on the origin of the earth? Or are you postulating about where each person's inherent energy comes from?