Having a strong urge to go out and get wasted..
Why does alcohol have to be soo bad for you? Why can't I just take my liver out and rinse it like the filter to my fish-tank?
I think I am too weak to hold out much longer. The gravitational pull of the liquor store (in which I recently obtained employment) and the combination of the nice weather and my back porch is almost too much to beer. Did I say beer? I meant bear. or bare. Hehehe.
I wrote a poem, which I will spare you, called nail-polish love. I can't wait to see what my poetry class says about it. I also wrote an ode to my gynocologist. I want to write two books of poetry as of right now.
1. And incredibly feminist book, about afore mentioned themes,
2. A book of dirty limericks to sell in porn shops.
Here is my first limerick...(sorry bash, I can't resist the urge)
There once was a whore from East Wheaton
Whose pussy weren't nothin worth eatin,
She sucked off old bill,
And it made her quite ill,
and for that she received quite the beatin.
But that whore with a sob,
Resolved that the slob,
Whose iron fist
had broke her wrist
by night would be dead as a doornob.
She got him some gin,
served up with a grin,
a poison inside,
she made up with pride,
though merely a practical sin.
Dicovered by stink,
They thought it the drink,
and the weakness of heart,
sure did its part,
The whore none even did think.
She told all the hags,
With thier gaudy old bags,
Of the beautiful job
she did on the slob,
And still giggles whenever she gags.
I know it still needs some work, but I wrote most of it when i was 17, and have been writing limericks ever since. They are fluff, but I do have some dirty ones.
Anyways, the great outdoors beckons, I must answer it's call.
Off to drink guiness, fare thee well all.

Why does alcohol have to be soo bad for you? Why can't I just take my liver out and rinse it like the filter to my fish-tank?

I think I am too weak to hold out much longer. The gravitational pull of the liquor store (in which I recently obtained employment) and the combination of the nice weather and my back porch is almost too much to beer. Did I say beer? I meant bear. or bare. Hehehe.

I wrote a poem, which I will spare you, called nail-polish love. I can't wait to see what my poetry class says about it. I also wrote an ode to my gynocologist. I want to write two books of poetry as of right now.
1. And incredibly feminist book, about afore mentioned themes,
2. A book of dirty limericks to sell in porn shops.
Here is my first limerick...(sorry bash, I can't resist the urge)
There once was a whore from East Wheaton
Whose pussy weren't nothin worth eatin,
She sucked off old bill,
And it made her quite ill,
and for that she received quite the beatin.
But that whore with a sob,
Resolved that the slob,
Whose iron fist
had broke her wrist
by night would be dead as a doornob.
She got him some gin,
served up with a grin,
a poison inside,
she made up with pride,
though merely a practical sin.
Dicovered by stink,
They thought it the drink,
and the weakness of heart,
sure did its part,
The whore none even did think.
She told all the hags,
With thier gaudy old bags,
Of the beautiful job
she did on the slob,
And still giggles whenever she gags.
I know it still needs some work, but I wrote most of it when i was 17, and have been writing limericks ever since. They are fluff, but I do have some dirty ones.

Anyways, the great outdoors beckons, I must answer it's call.
Off to drink guiness, fare thee well all.

I think I need to remove my liver, kidneys and lungs for cleaning
More limericks please, funny rude stuff, Yay
I just posted more pics from there. We did stay at a resort in Goa but you'll see from the pics, Mumbai is no resort