Ok, I finally decided on a message for now...
"Hi, you have reached the depths of hell (stop) Satan and his demon spawn are currently unavailable (stop) If you leave a message I am sure they will get back to you (stop) have a nice day, and don't prey your rosary!"
My friend already left me a message saying that I was one of the most bizarre people he ever met. Imagine that!!! He thought my goddess of death and destruction message was weird too...I swear some people just have no imagination!
Oh, and I have forsaken the asshole musician and taken up a new endeavor. I am not smitten, it is purely lust at this point, so basically I have a new boy-toy.
He is 19 (a bit younger than I go for) but I knew him in high school...He was a freshman when I was a senior.
I thought he was cute back then, but never would have gone for a younger guy... Then I realised he went to my school, so I got his #. Funny thing is that now he's a freshman in college and I am a senior...
He has giant blue eyes though, and is like 6'4" and is hung like a god...seriously, your mother would cry..
"Hi, you have reached the depths of hell (stop) Satan and his demon spawn are currently unavailable (stop) If you leave a message I am sure they will get back to you (stop) have a nice day, and don't prey your rosary!"
My friend already left me a message saying that I was one of the most bizarre people he ever met. Imagine that!!! He thought my goddess of death and destruction message was weird too...I swear some people just have no imagination!

Oh, and I have forsaken the asshole musician and taken up a new endeavor. I am not smitten, it is purely lust at this point, so basically I have a new boy-toy.

He is 19 (a bit younger than I go for) but I knew him in high school...He was a freshman when I was a senior.

I thought he was cute back then, but never would have gone for a younger guy... Then I realised he went to my school, so I got his #. Funny thing is that now he's a freshman in college and I am a senior...

He has giant blue eyes though, and is like 6'4" and is hung like a god...seriously, your mother would cry..

Yeah your boss does sound kind of creepy. You should kick him in the balls