So things are finally starting to look up. On top of getting the job I really wanted I found out this morning that my appeal for school loans was approved, and DES finally fixed the f**k up on my unemployment check so I will be getting 4 weeks worth of money tomorrow! YAY for me! Come this time next month I will be able to go on that shopping spree and will be able to afford what I will need for my photoset!
Tomorrow I finally get to resume my normal activities. I am so happy. I am still feeling a bit drained and tired but for the most part I am feeling better. I just need to get this fever down. I think tonight I will watch LOTR.
So I have spent the majority of the day on ebay. I have $25.00 to spend on new clothes for work and so far I have bid on 2 skirts, 1 pair of pants, a dress, and a shirt for $20.00 including shipping. Hopfully I wont be outbid but even if I am its still so fun. I am a ebay whore.

Tomorrow I finally get to resume my normal activities. I am so happy. I am still feeling a bit drained and tired but for the most part I am feeling better. I just need to get this fever down. I think tonight I will watch LOTR.
So I have spent the majority of the day on ebay. I have $25.00 to spend on new clothes for work and so far I have bid on 2 skirts, 1 pair of pants, a dress, and a shirt for $20.00 including shipping. Hopfully I wont be outbid but even if I am its still so fun. I am a ebay whore.
its been a long month.. how have you been?