brief update, after the miserable bastard post last sunday, this week has just turned around and proved me wrong again. It's been an absolute blinder.
Sorted out shit with my flat mate, that I don't think I'd realised how much it was bothering me. No shouting, just had a beer and a chat, and now things are soooo much better. The weather has been lovely, even put on the shorts, and work is going great. Lots of problem solving and getting things nearly finalled, I'm not letting the small things irritate me, just seeing them as new, mini problems to understand and sort out, and I think I've learnt quite a bit, which is always good.
I know I'm special, and I'm very special to a very special someone, who I complete adore and fancy, the only problem being the several thousand of miles between us, but I'm getting to see her in 6 weeks and I can't wait.
I got paid today, and bought a new stereo and some speakers, and I'm off to get a guitar and amp this weekend, and I'm going to get a camping/outdoor chair, so I can sit on my balcony and learn to play slayer and metallica songs again. I'm so looking forward to the next bit of life, such a huge change from a little less than a week ago.
It might also have to do with the fact I've been getting some exercise this week, been going for some runs in the morning, around by the sea wall, god Vancouver is beautiful. It's also to do with the fact I've now got money again, and I can't see it running out anytime soon. God, I'm crap, but retail therapy really helps. Also, having friends over to watch old football games and play FIFA 09 is pretty sweet.
Oh, and the Canucks are through the first round of playoffs, with a clean sweep of a best of seven games against St Louis. I really love the ice hockey, awesome sport. I'm going to try and get some skating lessons soon, and I'm going to start canoeing as well, as the weather is getting warmer.
Well, look at me, all full of positive. I'd better go as it's late, and I want to enjoy my friday.
Big Love, hope you're all good,
D x
Sorted out shit with my flat mate, that I don't think I'd realised how much it was bothering me. No shouting, just had a beer and a chat, and now things are soooo much better. The weather has been lovely, even put on the shorts, and work is going great. Lots of problem solving and getting things nearly finalled, I'm not letting the small things irritate me, just seeing them as new, mini problems to understand and sort out, and I think I've learnt quite a bit, which is always good.
I know I'm special, and I'm very special to a very special someone, who I complete adore and fancy, the only problem being the several thousand of miles between us, but I'm getting to see her in 6 weeks and I can't wait.
I got paid today, and bought a new stereo and some speakers, and I'm off to get a guitar and amp this weekend, and I'm going to get a camping/outdoor chair, so I can sit on my balcony and learn to play slayer and metallica songs again. I'm so looking forward to the next bit of life, such a huge change from a little less than a week ago.
It might also have to do with the fact I've been getting some exercise this week, been going for some runs in the morning, around by the sea wall, god Vancouver is beautiful. It's also to do with the fact I've now got money again, and I can't see it running out anytime soon. God, I'm crap, but retail therapy really helps. Also, having friends over to watch old football games and play FIFA 09 is pretty sweet.
Oh, and the Canucks are through the first round of playoffs, with a clean sweep of a best of seven games against St Louis. I really love the ice hockey, awesome sport. I'm going to try and get some skating lessons soon, and I'm going to start canoeing as well, as the weather is getting warmer.
Well, look at me, all full of positive. I'd better go as it's late, and I want to enjoy my friday.
Big Love, hope you're all good,
D x
Where are you living?! Its been ages since we spoke, message me! We need to catch up! xx
Getting paid is good! Can't wait to see a paycheque again after school is out