So, got paid, went furniture shopping, now have next to no money for the next week and a half. I have a lovely dining table though, but feeling I'll be mostly eating pasta off it. Still, I love pasta so that's not too bad
Been a mixed week, Vortext has been visiting, and it's always lovely to see him. Should think it's odd, catching up with a mate, but just several thousand miles away from the usual haunts, but I've seen so many people from the UK show up here, just feeling like normal.
Went to see Lamb of God on wednesday night, due to the proliferation of 12 year olds, the venue had made the 'interesting' choice not to serve beer. That's right, NO FUCKING BEER! Quite shocked and appalled, but was made up for by the fact that they were ace. No mosh pits due to the still delicate appendix area of Dan, but lots of fun.
Apart from that, not much more has happened, at least not much more I feel like sharing quite yet. I'm still trying to sort out certain relationships and it's confusing me a great deal. Doesn't help that the relationship is with someone in London. When the fuck are they going to invent teleporters so that long distance relationships don't need to be the absolute ball ache they currently are?
Anyway, I'm hungry, and I think I still have a cabury's cream egg waiting for me. I hope I do, else I'm going to be really disappointed.
Signing of with a bit of a 'meh'

Been a mixed week, Vortext has been visiting, and it's always lovely to see him. Should think it's odd, catching up with a mate, but just several thousand miles away from the usual haunts, but I've seen so many people from the UK show up here, just feeling like normal.
Went to see Lamb of God on wednesday night, due to the proliferation of 12 year olds, the venue had made the 'interesting' choice not to serve beer. That's right, NO FUCKING BEER! Quite shocked and appalled, but was made up for by the fact that they were ace. No mosh pits due to the still delicate appendix area of Dan, but lots of fun.
Apart from that, not much more has happened, at least not much more I feel like sharing quite yet. I'm still trying to sort out certain relationships and it's confusing me a great deal. Doesn't help that the relationship is with someone in London. When the fuck are they going to invent teleporters so that long distance relationships don't need to be the absolute ball ache they currently are?
Anyway, I'm hungry, and I think I still have a cabury's cream egg waiting for me. I hope I do, else I'm going to be really disappointed.
Signing of with a bit of a 'meh'
What you been up to then?