Basically, my friend Emma came over from Canada to visit for a week. She spent the first bit of the week visiting a few other friends, but she arrived back on wednesday, just in time for Valentines, and it is here that the photo blogy shall commence.
We started the day with a visit to Bloomsbury bowling, and had to have tea just to warm our hands up first
It's a fucking great place, and only 3 per person to bowl, before 4pm
So, having won both my games (but of course, at one point I got 3 strikes in a row, followed by a spare!!), we headed off to brick lane, via Spitalfields market. We wandered up and down Bricklane, which was lovely and saw pictures of Monkeys
And a pram on a lampost (as you do)
And shops selling amazing furniture
Then, we hit Bar Kick
Had some wine, then headed off towards shoreditch where we had a drink in a very strange red lit basement of a bar, which was meant to look Morrocan, but smelt a bit of damp and gas, so we moved on to another place, that I like, but is a little odd, called the Foundry, nearer to Old Street
I think it's meant to be a bit Bohemian, and arty, I once saw my friend do performance poetry there, and I have to say, if you get the chance, you should pop in for a drink.
So, enough of the art house nonsense we said, and made our (more wobbley by this point) way up to Angel Islington, where we had a few drinks and some damn fine Gyoza at the Old Queens Head, and tried to guess what all the people around us were doing, like dating, bloke wanting to get into girls pants, girl interested/not interested, thing, it was fun. And I learnt about the Macro function on my camera some more and took one of my best pics yet
We then ran into a friend on the way home, who was going to one of my best friends house for a small party, which we therefore turned up to, waaaay drunker than anyone else, but had fun and dinner, which is normally fun.
So, that's thursday accounted for. I'd just spent one of the most fantastic days I've had in ages, with a 'friend' who had quickly become my week long girlfriend, who I absolutely adore and had quickly fallen in love with. Great Valentines day.
So, on to FRIDAY!!
Woke up late, meant to go down to brighton for the day, but missed that, so we trundled off to Kensington Park Palace, to go the Orangery for tea and cakes.
Tea like this
And cakes like this
Which was lovely, and then had a look around the Princess Diana Memorial playground, which is possibly the most mind blowingly awesome kids playground ever. Seriously, it's got a 3/4 size fucking pirate ship which the kids can play on, a American indian camping place with totem poles and Teepees. Honestly, if I'd have been a kid, my head would have exploded with fun in that place.
So, after that, went to meet some of Emma's friends for a drink, but the bar was stupidly loud, and we had to get to Camden to meet with these
Bunch of Reprobates
Having a shared promise between Mark_plus_beer and myself not to do any Jager shots, this rapidly descended into a drunken, jager fuelled crazy fun night of the most fun proportions.
The obligitory Mark_plus_beer face shot
Look at the smily faces
The Usual Suspects
Awwww, how cute
How much fun?
Another cute one
Ah, yes, the pinball
Da Boyz
It was round about this point that I lost my girlfriend. We were all playing Pinball, she went to loo, and didn't come back. We all had a mad look around for her, then the guys had to leave and I eventually found her in the girls loos having been rather sick for the past 20 mins, awww, happy days
So, night bus home, where I bought a cd off a guy who was freestyle rhyming, rather well I thought, with a whole bunch of mates. Still haven't listened to the cd, but it was one of those kind of evenings. Honestly, one of the best nights out I've had in ages, with a group of some of the nicest lads I know.
Mark_plus_beer and Vortext, take a bow, you guys are fucking ace.
So, Saturday was spent rather more sedately, ended up not doing much, watched the mighty Manchester United thrash the Gooners, which was great fun, Emma went out for a quick meal with some of her friends, and I utterly failed to go the meet, which I'm a little sad about. But not a sad as when I had to drop Emma off at Paddington on sunday morning so she could catch her flight back to Canada.
I've just got to think positive, and realise what a fantastic few days I had with her. I love that girl, I really do, and she loves me back just as much, which is amazing. She's one of the most incredible, lovely, open people I've ever met and she inspires me in so many ways. And for at least one week, she was my girlfriend, so I'm still smiling.
Anyway, epic blogy thing is now over,
love to you all, if you've made it this far, congratulations,
Dan x